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Everything posted by Matt2929

  1. Thanks guys for all your help, much appreciated, I will comment again after the interview on the 30th to update it I case anyone reads this and has to go through the same thing. Thanks
  2. I have not committed fraud what so ever. I have been nothing but honest and open with the council, they have my contract of employment and I told them I get paid in cash. If they still issued housing benefit at that point it's more down to them than myself. I'm just going to go in there and tell the truth, and I have a statement from my employer now as well, that should be enough.
  3. Guys, I spoke to a solicitor and said that because I can prove my income I have nothing to worry about there. However, it is a offence that I did not tell them that my working tax credit went up by £8 per week about 5 weeks ago. What is the best excuse I can give them as to why I failed to do this? The truth is I just forgot, had I of told them, I would actually of got more housing benefit! Thanks Matt
  4. I would rather struggle than go through this stress
  5. I don't mind paying money back at all. I just don't want them to prosecute me
  6. Thank you. Oh I agree, but getting a job with a disability is a nitemare so she is helping me out by letting me work for her when needed. I no longer want housing benefit or any other type of benefit, but if I stop them now I will probably look even worse. I actually have done nothing wrong, they just want proof of income it states, although I did fail to let them know my wtc went up by £8 per week. Which is my fault. How can I avoid court? Thanks
  7. Thank you I am 29 years old, I get £111 per week. They will still want the interview, the women who wants it has already been to my house to do a residency check to make sure I was actually living here! I think they will try to do their worst, I feel if I go along I will actually cause myself more harm than good. Isnt handing in a written statement better? How do I get a free solicitor? Thanks
  8. Hi there My employer is my family friend so I just do some paperwork for 16 hours a week and she gives me cash, I do have a contrat but I get paid in cash as its only a small amount. Yes, I get dla due to my disability. This is all really worrying me, I can't actually deal with the stress.
  9. Hi everyone I have been claiming housing benefit and council tax benefit for 6 months and they now want me to do a interview under caution. There reason is that I did not prove my income, I work 16 hours per week for a family friend and I get paid in cash, I have no records of this as its just a little temp job I do at her shop. I also get wtc. After dong research on this it feels like its actually their way of making me admit liability on tape, even though regardless of wether I a on working tax credits or job seekers allowance I would still be entitled to housing and council tax benefit. Last thing I want is to get prosecuted or go to court! My thinking is actually not to attend the interview, but to instead create a big printed statement along with supportive evidence from my employer and send it in instead and let them make what decision they wish to on it. If I go to the interview they will fire questions at me which I will stumble on and I will look like I don't know the answers and I will feel under pressure. My feelings are that if they did not have sufficient paperwork from me it was actually their error to give me housing benefit in first place. Can I have your thoughts please? Thanks Matt
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