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  1. I am also another unfortunate soul who has been scammed. I signed up at the age of 15 after successfully participating in beauty pagents and I wished to further my modelling to paid work. I sent my pictures to Models Direct and they got back to me very quick with my pictures on the letter, looking all professional and legit. They also phoned me up and complimented me on my looks. (to a 15 year old girl who is so excited for this oppertunity and a very support mum obviously lapped this straight up). We signed up for the 3 year contract and filled in all my online profile. 2 YEARS LATER! I phone them up asking why -if I am as good as you say you I am- then why has there been no replys or interest or even an email in these 2 years. She had to cheek to say that it was because i didn't update my profile often enough. This was when I realised I had been conned. At 15 I was niave and my mum just wanted the best for me, so we stupidly never looked at any reviews before we signed up. The money issue is disgraceful but what I find most sickening is that they can talk to a little girl on the phone and get her hopes up and still sleep at night. I really hope that people read this before signing up with them and don't have their child's or their own hopes set up to fall.
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