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Peter Whittick

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  1. Well. Laptop arrived at 3.10 (at wrong part of Uni, but easy mistake to make). So I'm glad to be in the 99% and although earlier would have been nice - that's the luck of the draw and fair enough. So one satisfied DX client here - thought it only fair to post this as I'd have been moaning if it hadn't turned up. Re - Chris - I just read your reply - I am very impressed that you're taking the trouble to sort things out, Chris, and it took a load off my mind while I was waiting, to know that there was someone trustworthy who could be bothered. So, thankyou. After the month I've had with a faulty purchase this has partially restored my trust in buying online (although I must admit I had a trouble-free run of 12 years before this occasion). In regards to my comment about Customer Services as being a 'policy advisor' I was making a general comment, and not refering to DX as I haven't had a cause to phone and was happy with your service. Off topic and not in relation to DX - In general, after doing a bit of research I've found the layers of customer service I've encountered personally and in reviews, time consuming and often deliberately designed to delay the return process and affect a claim, so this was making me a bit paranoid. Just praying Laptops direct have sent me a machine that works this time. They are not a company I'd recommend in terms of their returns procedure that requires the customer to pay up and reclaim partial delivery expenses. Also, their tech department took ages to fault find because they failed to read the info I'd supplied. But thanks once again, Chris. I am impressed that you and your company are making an effort to solve problem issues. 1 small point to be remembered, maybe. If couriers aren't fulfilling their 'code of practice' regarding delivery, it might be worthwhile looking into if they're being overpressured in their delivery targets. I'm not saying this is the case, but while I'm funding my PhD I'm filling in on the post-desk, and I meet a lot of couriers from all companies who really are struggling to meet delivery targets, and this above all causes unreasonable behaviour, carelessness, stepping outside procedure, etc. Just a thought. You, at least seem to be aware that it's not all about profit margins. Thanks, once again! Long live the capitalist system, eh? All the best Pete
  2. I'm currently awaiting delivery of a replacement laptop via DX Secure. 'Will arrive anytime between 8am and 6pm'. It's 1.52pm and counting. After reading this thread I'm not feeling particularly hopeful. Especially having been dealing with laptops direct for the last 4 weeks and they supplied me a faulty laptop. It seems to me that many companies nowadays feel content to hide behind an impenetrable internet / phone system that relies on the customer to sort things out. Customer service has become 'company policy advisor'.
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