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Posts posted by Zazelle

  1. Ok thanks for the advice.


    The only thing I'm worried about is if I do contact them to explain my situation



    they tell me to pay it off before I leave,



    which I really can't afford to do



    so untill I have a stable job back in my home country.



    As long as I tell them that I am willing to pay it off,



    they won't give me any problems right?

  2. Hi


    My circumstance have changed for the worst and I have a lot of debts to pay back.



    I am planning to go back to my home country in order to find a job so I will be able to pay them back.



    I have an overpayment I need to pay back and overdue payments for a storage unit.



    I'm planning to let them know I'm going back.



    My question is this:



    Would I be flagged at passport control for my storage unit debt?

    I know that I won't for the overpayment as I contacted them.



    What exactly does passport control check?



    Any help would be greatly appreciated.






  3. Did they confirm receipt by writing? It's always better to have it in writing. Renegade is right, DCA's can't hurt you if you know what to do, there's no Credit Agreement so they can't force you to pay for something that you don't owe, they can't take you to court because they'll lose, and badly.


    On my end, no new letters and reminders.

  4. Ever since I send that letter, I've not recieved any calls or letters from Paypal and Iqor. If you have given Paypal the crime reference number, make sure you get a confirmation in writing, so that if they do sent it to a dca, you can prove to them that Paypal recieved it and they wont do anythinh. Just follow the advice on here and you shouldnt get in trouble. I havent been on.my Paypal account ever since then so I dony know if they refunded it or not.

  5. Hi just thought I'll update you all.


    I did what you advised and sent them this letter:


    Dear Sir/Madam


    Re:− Reference Number #########


    This is to inform you that I dispute your letter of 20 February 2013 as I have been a victim of Fraud.


    I have reported this to the police and have been given the following Crime Reference Number:################. This number has also been given to Paypal.


    Please find attached the confirmation e-mail that the Crime Reference Number has been received by Paypal.


    Looking forward to hearing from you


    Yours sincerely,


    Mr Zazelle


    Ever since then, I have not heard from them, so I'm guessing they have dropped the case. I'd like to thank just_jue and assisted blonde for the help of sorting this out.

  6. Hi,


    This is probably a stupid question, but my next Housing Benefit Payment is due today and I've not recieved it. Now I know it's a bank holiday and that they are new changes in the benefits (I got the letter for it, I get a bit less than I previously got, but nothing much). My question is: will I get it today or another day? Should I contact my LA an ask?


    Thanks in advance

  7. Hi, I've just recieved a letter from Iqor. I find it very annoying that they transferred it to them as I have given them my Crime Reference Number so they shouldn't have transferred it. Do I send them a letter stating that I have been victim of fraud and have given PayPl the Crime Reference Number?

  8. Success! Got this e-mail! (was tired of waiting for a proper email response so called them)



    Dear ,

    Thank you for contacting PayPal regarding your crime reference number.


    I can confirm that we have received your crime reference number: ###############


    I understand your frustration regarding this matter and regret any inconvenience this might have caused.


    Yours sincerely,




    Hope now they're gonna back off a bit. I'll let you know what happens.

  9. Ok, I'm confused now....


    This is the reply I got:


    Dear ########,


    Thank you for contacting PayPal.

    We are still reviewing your account and appreciate your patience during this time. Once the review is complete, you’ll receive an email with an updated account status. Regarding case PP-###-###-###-###

    Please let us know if you require any further assistance.


    Yours sincerely,




    Does that mean they have reopened my case????

  10. OK done. Will let you know what they say. It's really stupid though, why would they do that? Even though I gave them evidence they still sided with the [problem]mer, that's really unfair....and I'm actually really scared they are gonna say something like "we can't accept the Crime Reference Number"...

  11. Hi,


    I need some serious advice on what to do.


    Long story short, I did something stupid and accepted a job that used PayPal. What it was is I had to accept money onto my PayPal account, and then withdraw it from my bank account to then send it back via Western Union. Apparently they were into e-currency trading and the website they gave me looked very genuine as it had the Forex logo and the different currency exchanges.


    Now what happened is that PayPal put that money under review and asked me to send proof. After I did that I still lost and they refunded to the "buyer". I now have a negative balance of £719.48. I can't afford to pay it at once as I am currently unemployed and in benefits. I have been paying into my account bit by bit (paying £20, £10) and now my balance is -679.48. They now call me a lot and I actually called them back and explained my situation. They basically said in a nice way that I need to pay it back fully and asked me to ask family or friends to cover it for me and then pay them back. I can't really do that, and really don't want to. I don't want to go to court as I would not be able to afford it!


    What do I do? and how long does it take before they send debt collection agency? And how long until they send me to court?


    BTW, it's almost a month now since the reversal( 9/01/2013)


    I don't even use PayPal. I only have it because sometimes I need it to pay something online. Other than that, I never use it.


    Any awesome help would be greatly appreciated, as it stresses me out quite a bit.

  12. If the work only lasts two weeks, then report the issue to Job Centre Plus, and it is entirely your decision as to whether you sign off benefits, or continue to sign whilst reporting any earnings. Conversely, if you continue to sign on, do the job, and dont report your change in circumstances... then you will be subject to a sanction and possibly a court case.


    Ok, will ask my adviser on Tuesday and see what he says.

  13. Hi, I applied for JSA on 13th December and had a new jobseeker's interview on the 18th to complete my claim, where I had to bring proof of ID and the lot. Then 2 days later, on the 20th, I went to my first Adviser interview. My question is: When will I get my JSA? I also still haven't recieved my Benefits Acceptance letter. Any help would be greatly appreciated, my next appointment will be on the 3rd.

  14. Thanks for all the the advice. I only have one more month and I'll be debt free. I've actually called them and asked for advice on what to do and they basically said that I can pay it off via the website but if I do I have to call them so they can confirm and update the repayment plan. Kind of annoying but at least I get my loan paid off. They were extremely helpfull, I was expecting the worse when calling them. As long as they get their money they're happy I guess?

  15. Hi,


    I just have a quick question about the Wonga Repayment Plan. I'm in my second month and on Monday they'll take the second installment out of my account. Now my question is: If I manage to get some money to either pay the installment a bit earlier or pay the remaining balance off, can I just go to their website and pay it off like that and would I need to let them know I did? I send them an e-mail about this but they haven't replied yet and I don't want to call unless I have no other choice.


    If I can do that, that would be wonderfull cuz then I'll be debt free quicker!


    Thanks for the help in advance

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