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Everything posted by thompa23

  1. Hi & Thanks, But what would be the probable out come of that ?
  2. Hi, I did not give them permission to do a credit check.
  3. Hi Dotty50, What I actually told them was I would happilly pay what I owe, But was not prepared to pay any of the charges, At that time I did not know what the charges were, Obviously I know now and have told them I am only going to pay £375, I`m still waiting for a response from them. Thanks.
  4. Hi , The last payment was on 06/03/2007, Last contact via E- Mail 22/05/2012 , Also I have recieved a reply today from Capitol One asking for £10.00 for a copy of my statement. Thanks
  5. Hi , And thanks for your swift reply, Can`t really remember when I took out the card think it was about 2003 ( my life was a bit of a mess back then )Yes I have a statement of sorts which Lowell requested & got from Capitol One, I also requested a statement from them but have not received one, They sent me a reply saying it would take approx 4 weeks which was about 7 weeks ago, I don`t recall them informing me they were passing it on to Lowell, Lowell said they would initiate court proceedings or send a debt collector to discuss payments, My credit file status for the debt shows D, And the record date 05/09/2011, Last contact from them was 22/05/2012 via E- Mail Saying they would except £ 40 per month, I am / was happy to pay this to clear the £375 but told them I am not paying any of the charges.They also offered me a " substantial discount " If I paid a one of payment of £705.27. Thanks
  6. Hi this is my first time on the forum, I am having problems with Lowell who are trying to recover £889 debt on a capitol one card, This debt goes back 6 years and most of the charges is for late payments etc which amounts to £514.00 which leaves the bebt at £375, Is this legal / lawful , Do I have to pay ? Thanks thompa23
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