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CC customer

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  1. I bought a phone in April from cash converters for my son. He really wanted to have a Blackberry phone (old model), so he saved and sold some of his old bric-a-brac and CC sold him a BB phone. The sales assistant suggested I take out their insurance and I paid upfront for the full year. Unfortunately, my son's phone was stolen from his school bag while at school a little while ago and contacted the insurers, the police and mobile phone provider. CC's inurance company is also called Supercovers. They sent me a form which I filled in and asked for evidence of the purchase which shows the IMEI number. Upon inspection of the Cash Converters receipt I noticed that it did not have the IMEI number written/ printed on there. I contacted CC asking them to email me a copy of the number on their records. Never in a million years did I think that they would come back to me with a totally alien IMEI number! I was so confused. Luckily, I contacted the mobile phone provider (of the missing phone) and they confirmed that the IMEI number which I had recorded was indeed the one which they had on their system for my son's mobile phone number. They will be sending me written confirmation of this (about 5 working days). I have since replied to Cash Converters , and informed them of the above. I have not heard from them as yet. I find it quite upsetting how they have mis-handled my information. First by selling insurance to customers for mobile phones and not recording the IMEI numbers on the receipt (even though it is required to process a claim)! And for not keeping accurate information! I am expecting the worst now.. In the event that CC insists on the incorrect IMEI I am sure that the insurance claim will go nowhere. If this happens I do intend to follow this through. I'm not sure how yet and who to complain to... Fingers crossed they actually get their act sorted out!!
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