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  1. Hi just to update my ph, well that silly little woman has knocked twice more at my home demanding shes taking my tele nd that i havnt even paid for it which isnt true it was buy in march nd pay in april the date was 14th april and i paid £60 on the 13th april, she threatened me with the police as it was 'theft' as no payment has even been made i asked her so wot have i been payin £60 a fortnight for? She replied i dont knw! Emg i was foaming! So i told her go back to the store and i want every penny ive paid on paper and il get my bank statement and agreement to prove i hav paid my payments i also rang the police to get advice they said she cannot remove the tele without a court order ( which uz hav advised me already thank u ) and they would not entertain her if she rang them as its a civil matter. I have just rang the washington galleries store n spoke to the store manager she was quite nice and i explained about that silly woman at my door and its a disgrace that they think its acceptable for them to treat us lyk this when its defo not. So ive now paid upto date as i told them a wk ago but told her il have the tele took back if this happens again.
  2. Ok n thank u for yr quick reply. Il just pay the £21.50 then they are off my back till nxt wk! Lol Are they allowed to take my payment at my door? As i think she is ringing & ringing my mobile but im not answering if she wants the money she can come and get it here at home lol.
  3. Hi im new on here, just been reading all the comments about perfect homes, im having the same prob they hav just knocked this mornin ( the 'woman' manager) demanding a payment of £51 or the goods to be taken away like she could carry the 50" tele not lol but i have only missed last wks payment due to my lil son bein in hosp last wk but i did ring the washington galleries store on wed to tell them why as got the 'late payment' letter and i said il pay all upto date nxt wk she sed shel speak to the manager and get bk intouch but they didnt even ring me just knocked at 9.20am this morning. She sed i have to pay £21.50 for last wk but would still leave me behind this wk which i havnt got, im on i/s n get my money every 2wks and have not missed a payment till now. I would like some advise pls if i have to pay this today or just wait till nxt wk n pay upto-date? Il have to borrow the money today if they want it as im a single mam n dont have that amount what they r asking for. Many Thanks
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