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Everything posted by mariondomino

  1. thank you so much,got an appt for tomorrow with money advisor.i'll let you know how it goes in case info useful to anyone else. many thanks again mariondomino
  2. you are being so helpful. i'm trying to avoid court so was trying to find out if that also meant court appearance would be cancelled. just wondered if anyone else had been in this situation first hand mariondomino
  3. sorry for the typo if i clear the arrears will legal action stop
  4. hi i'm trying really to find out if i clea the arrears will the legal option stop. mariondomino
  5. sorry yes i should have said,we are indeed living in scotland mariondomino
  6. can anyone help or give us advice asap. we are heavily in arrears with our kensington mortgage and have this am received a letter from solicitor saying pay arrears within 7 days or calling up notice will be issued.it also says"kensington may be able to agree an alternative repayment arrangement"but they're not accepting any of our offers because we've broken arrangements in the past(not lightly usually because hubby lost job) if they issue the calling up notice but we clear the arrears within the 8 weeks will this stop the legal action or do we have to clear our whole mortgage? sorry for so many questions but we're at our wits end. can anyone out there offer any help or good advice to alliviate our concerns
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