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  1. omg jeff u need to tell the council this i have a brain condition thats why they are recalling it back from ross and roberts please please tell the council tomorrow of this u are not aloud stress and pressure like myself og jeff u poor thing
  2. he will add more charges on tomorrow hun if he comes and ure bill will go up by about 700ish i am having one bailiff done at the moment as they wouldnt let me out the kitchen in my own home to go to the toilet my little girl was in the front room with my baby shes was crying my 13 year old was crying it was hell what they do
  3. make sure u hide the car as council dont open in some places till 9am hun please make sure u hide that car well just say to him u have not had a summons that it was going to court no letters from the council so u need to get details of when u was taken to court if thats if u was and how much u owe and if im right i am sure they cant take ure car if u use it for work
  4. yes do not pay anything untill u have full details hun like when they took u to cook for this coz they would have had to of taken u to court first b4 they sent it to the bailiffs and also why have u had no letters from the council about this but jeff make sure u hide that car in a garage would be great but if not a few roads down hide it somewhere good mate i hate ross and roberts they have gave me hell i will do anything i can to help u hun
  5. have u had any letters from the council jeff about the debt b4 the bailiff come
  6. also jeff the council would have had to send u a court summons first aswell for the council tax bill
  7. so hes not left any levy with u jeff i think this bailiff has acted wrong dont know what u other guys think about this but he should have left some paperwork with fees and the levy did he talk about a wpo walk in possession order sorry if i didnt spell that right
  8. jeff is it a joint debt for the council have the council sent u any letters at all about this u need to hide the car tonight hun park it quite a few roads away coz bailiffs know that people do this
  9. yes i agree did she sign anything hun and have u got any letters from the council about council tax owed did the bailiff not leave any paper work with u
  10. jeff did u google that website also have the council ever sent u any letters saying u owe ct hun i need to know this first u deffo had no letters from ross and roberts brass could the levy be worthless then coz the make and reg number is on the levy
  11. jeff he should have left u a letter with the amount on it and fees he will try and put loads of money on it but hes only aloud to charge 24.50 for 1st vist typr in google bailiffs and go down a few to direct gov site hun the lady from ross and roberts who i had kept calling me love i asked her not to but she still carried on she even listed a car that dont even belong to me it was just parked outside
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