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  1. Since when? Is this a recent change as they gave me my form in 2010?
  2. Log in, go to the "home" tab and click on it, scroll down to "welcome to CAG" link and click on it. on this new page it will have a link for "post a new thread" Hope I helped!
  3. Hi, I'm so sorry to hear of your situation, takes me right back to when my twins were born. My partner lost his job the day I came out of hospital with them and I ended up having to go back to work when they were 4 months old just to try to scrape some money to get by. Like you, even though I was only earning £12000 a year, my partner and I weren't entitled to anything from housng benefit or council tax benefit, jobcentre, food stamps, nothing! We did manage to sort out our tax credits claim and ended up with about £400 a month in CTC when it was finally sorted out. After the bills and travelling expenses getting to work, we were in my rather hefty overdraft pretty much month on month with it now and then getting into the black again by a few pennies. When there was no overdraft, I used my credit card which obviously had to be paid back but most months there wasn't any money to pay it and that got bigger and bigger and harder and harder to pay back resulting in £3000 in debt with the overdraft and credit card! The tax credits helped a lot when they were finally sorted though and it meant we could do a proper food shop after all the rent and bills were paid in full (my rent was £315 a month so slightly more than you are paying now after help). I didnt contact the HMRC office to get a claim pacl as I had heard of waiting 2 weeks or more and sometimes people not getting the pack and I was able to get one from my local jobcentre offices. Try there as you can just pick one up quickly and easily and get home, fill it in and send it off. Shortens the length of time waiting with no money significantly! Is there no disability or invalidity payments you can get? I know my mum gets around £60 a week in invalidity payments as she has CFS like you. You have a VERY lengthly form to fill in but once it's done, it gets processed quite quickly. You will obviously need letters from your doctor etc but you should be fine. My dad has a mid range paid job i.e. £28k maybe more and she still gets the same payments and fills in the form every year. I believe invalidity is the one you need and I am under the impression that it is not means tested unless your partner earns £50k+, I'm assuming this is not the case Give it a go and apply, apply, apply for everything and anything you may be able to get! It HAS to be done or you will make yourself feel worse and that's not going to help anyone is it. All the best, hope things improve soon. It's not a barrel of laughs being penniless i know! x
  4. Hi, I'm new to this forum and I'm wondering if anyone can help me out here or has been through the same thing and would be willing to story. I called HMRC on the 16th April (the Monday following the weekend that my partner and I moved in together) and they sent out a pack which I received within a few days. I filled in the form and sent it back within 2 days. They then received it on the 27th apparently. I have finally, after 6 weeks without any money, received a payment in my account of £617. Yet, as I've not received any kind of award notice from them I'm anxious to know whether I've been paid the right amount, though I'm guessing that's just another waiting game they play with us eh! Also, does anyone know whether the backdated payment they've made is the same payment I will receive every 4 weeks from now on or whether this payment is an amended one and that next months will be more or less? I was claiming on my own for myself and my twins for just over 2 years so I don't know whether this is a payment including anything they've underpaid me from that time etc. If my partner earns about £15000 and I earn about £5000 a year does this sound right? Thanks in advance for any help and advice!
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