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leila ronson-jade

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Everything posted by leila ronson-jade

  1. they email you like that? it's actually typical of the collection company to threaten like that. It's mostly isnt true. The collection companies are like thugs. Some of them are nice, but most of them are like suckers. So far in my email the collection company ask me nicely and never they have been rude about it with me. But still it sucks. I have not yet received any more emails from them of whick i have no idea why, eventhough i have stopped making payments. If they are legit, the police should just come and arrest me, and question me, that's the only way for the authorities to hear all of us and investigate about "Sapphire Studios". The only way to stop our money from being sucked by them is by closing them down. like i said, that is written in their contract we have been seduced to sign.
  2. Sapphire Studios should be investigated and closed down. Typing their website alone their page doesnt come in the first line, they are either second or third. the first two are complaints about this "studio" ([problem]). This is the consumer action group, isn't there anyone out there that can take action against them? trust me...I was at that place and they are very good "marketers". after they've done taking your money, they will laugh in your face. Please, closed this skimming studio down, that's the only way our money will be safe (that's in the "contract").
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