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Everything posted by stupidfool79

  1. Thank you very much for your advice, do I need to set up with some kind debt company such as cccs/payplan or just do it all myself? best regards
  2. Hi guys I have made a major screw up, a few weeks back I got a £100 loan out with quickquid (had a couple of other ones over the last 6 months for like £50, and paid them back) however I was a bit worried about being able to pay this back, went onto the site and saw they were offering to top up my loan, now this is my problem, I am a gambling addict (trying to recover but it doesn't help that they are rammed down your throat 24/7) saw this as an oppertunity to win the money to pay for it, ended up getting another £400 and losing the lot (yes i know I am so stupid) so know I owe £170 this coming friday and £750 in 4 weeks I have no hope of paying any of this back, I am unemployed, think i said I was employed on the forms, can't remember tbh I just wanted some money, got paid today my benefits which didnt even cover fridays payments let alone leave me anything to live off so I decided to try and win enough to do this (I know I know, but my brain doesn't compute till its too late) naturally I have lost all that now so no money for next 2 weeks or to pay even the first set of interest off (how they can get away with even charging £400 interest on a £550 loan I don't know never mind what they will try when I dont pay them) The worse thing is I went bankrupt just 4 years ago after losing my business, falling into severe depression and gambling so been here before you would hope I would have learned by now wouldn't you , but no not even close I am living with my parents and its imperative to keep this from them as they have enough to deal with and I will 100% be thrown out this time if I dont chuck myself under a bus what are my options, I cant even afford to pay them on friday and they will just add up and up and up, what can I do ?? thanks for listening
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