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Everything posted by happy12

  1. Excuse me asokn I am not shouting and neither am I being rude - in fact quite the opposite. I find your response both aggressive and quite demeaning Unfortunately I am not as well educated in this procedure - this is the first time I have ever had to take anybody to court to get back what is mine - clearly you have far more experience. If you cannot be polite in your response - then please do not bother!
  2. Well done Brokenbutnotbeatn - you got it in one POC = can somebody please speak ENGLISH - it would be helpful - then I could possibly respond
  3. Hi Hope that someone can help me here. In short, made a claim against another party for monies owed to me as a result of an item belonging to myself that was used in part-exchange by the other party for another item - the other party made a cash contribution. The item that the other party bought has subsequently sold the item. My claim is that I am asking for the value of my contribution back - which also includes interest outstanding for 18 months. The other party has confirmed in their defence of the amount of the part-exchange value but does not believe they have to pay me anything. The case was transferred to local court - now either I am being totally stupid but I thought my claim was fairly self explanatory but the District Judge has said that I am to provide clear details of my claim - in his words a 'coherent case'. Please can somebody clarify whether or not I can legally claim for the value of my contribution and how on earth I can make my case more coherent. I fail to understand what the blinking hell the Judge is talking about! Many thanks
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