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Posts posted by postmn

  1. The problem is what choice is there

    1 Labour - Who's going to pay for it all , the countries still paying for the last labout goverment . Since he has apprently got ther SNP on board what has he promised them . And where do they stand on brexit still cannot decide.

    2 Lib Dem Well drop the democrat from thier name since they want to ignore a democratic vote 


    I think most people voted in that it would settle on some wher ein between the two  extremes , however  it seems that was impossible since you have extrmists on both sides of the debate and then you have  parliment that has really covered itself in glory , they cannot decide on any thing . you have a speaker that is not impartial .


    Then on to the EU all they want is to protect the single market and all thier rules , also to punish a country to god forbide want to leave the EU.


    So noone comes out of this smelling of roses


  2. 1 hour ago, BazzaS said:



    I'm not sure you can compare seats gained in the European Parliament with seats in the UK's Parliament, based on voter percentages.

    EU : Proportional representation, so 29 MEPS represent a proportion of the votes.

    They could get the same proportion of votes in a General Election, and not win a single seat 'first past the post'.


    which is why I believe we should have proportional voting ,because at the moment you have a lot of voters who wont vote because they support a different party to the majority in the ward . Think back to when UKIP won a lot of votes but not one seat . To me that is totally wrong

    • Like 1
  3. Well in my place of work which ever way people voted we are all totally disgusted with the MP's but not all  of them. some of  them do do a very good job for their constituents . they are the ones that will suffer the backlash unlike the ones who who could only say what they didn't want not what they wanted , I can see if a election comes and some of them loosing their seats then magically someone in a safe seat gets elevated to the house of lords .


    Also lets assume we decided to stay the atmosphere would be poisonous between us and the EU and not with standing you would of put a sticky plaster on something that would blow up one day



  4. no you also send them a letter saying contact only via mail and they have to respect that no you are giving them a nominal amount while you try to organize your finances when you have finished your income and expenditure then you offer them a a mount each month and that's all they get , national deby helpline has a good I & E I have used that quite a lot it does all your calculations for you , also its in the format thay everyone has agreed to .



    As to the phone calls when I went for the 3 months I paid the first £1 a month while the letter were in the post , all this shows is you are not running away from your debts but need time to sort something out .


    On another note is there a relative that could possibly lend you a lump sum to make a full and final settlement , so creditors will go for that I had two that settled the rest are on £1 a month at the moment

  5. you didn't mention whether your wages are paid into a account controlled by one of your creditors , if it is open a parachute account or they could use the money to offset against their debt .


    I would offer them all one a month for 3 months saying you are trying to organise your finances and make a income and expense to see what money you have left over and then divide it pro rota against your creditors , also ask for a freeze on interest and charges

  6. well done for taking the first step , one of the problems is finding what works for you .


    How I did it was I use losegnzes alongside cigarette but gratly reduced and then I found after a few weeks I stopped with the cigerettes and then you try to get off the lozegnes . however sinc eyou are vaping you are still smoking so not gaining anything by vaping .


    Have you had a word with your GP or looks for the NHS stop smoking clinic near you I now your housebound but maybe your GP could help


    good luck

  7. never call always write so you have a paper trial. they can issue a default because even though you are in a payment plan you are not paying the higher amount you are contracted for . also I have gone though this as well they do seem to be issueing defaults now on the 3rd month or they did on all of mine

  8. Its a work placement not a job; im not sure what youd sue for loss of. A theoretical future benefit?


    There is also merit in teaching white people its an ethical thing to level the playing field.


    And i am not sure the school would have phrased it like the girl has... what did they actually say?

    actually I would not say its a ethical thing , what about merit and that's as far as I will go with this

  9. ok here we go again .

    timothy evans was pardoned because he was convicted of the wrong murder , he waqs convicted of his babies murder which Christy did do , howver the inquirely made a conclusion that evans probably killed the wife , but since he cannot have a fair trial he was pardoned.


    Derek Bently was convicted under the joint enterprise law which meant that if you went out to rob someone with someone else and they shot and killed someone you could be held equally quilty . funnily in the 1930's there was a very similar case and both were hanged


    hanratty was confirmed as the killer through dna evidence that obviously was not available at the time .


    if people want to form a really good opion I would ask that tier read the biography of albert Pierrepoint since he came to some very interesting conclusions .


    finally you should not be in the situation where people are held for decades under the death sentence as for wether I am for or against it I must admit I use to be against it but now I am edging towards pro death penalty

  10. If they have defaulted that means your credit file will be marked for 6 years , however have you sat down and done a I & E form that you can get to see how much you can afford to pay them after all your priority expenses .


    Have they frozen interest and charges if not why not I had the problem with them so the amount of money I paid then went straight down to £1 a month to until they refunded all the charges and froze all subsequent interest.


    As for anyone turning up on your doorstep it wont happen , if Barclaycard sells the debt on you will get letters from a DCA probably offering you a discount that would probably be the time I would ask for a CCA to see whether they can supply it . but long time

  11. ok there is two ways your credit file can be marked AP or default its actually beter to have the default because it drops off after 6 years however with AP they can continue to mark it so you will never get rid of it with out a fight .


    A the moment if anyone has not frozen interest and charges after you asked for help drop them down to £1 a month and write to them again inclosing a I & E and if they do not freeze charges then just pay them a £1 a month.


    As for you clearing the ones that have not defaulted its up to you but your credit file has already been marked by them so you would be throwing money away . I was in the same position as you and I told the relative to save their money the files already trashed for 6 years

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