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Everything posted by Becky290

  1. I'd cancelled my debit card a few months after taking out the loan, however there weren't any rollover taken out in the meantime. I've only had contact from Takeoutcash and Northern Debt Recovery so far, nothing from Tooth Fairy - although the website used to check the loan's progress is a Tooth Fairy website. Had a phonecall from NDR earlier today - they made a few proposals, and I tried my best to put my foot down (not very good at this sort of thing). Nothing was agreed, though. I've now received an e-mail regarding the "agreement" I've made over the phone: They'll kindly knock £650 off of the bill, and I just need to pay £1000 (£100 monthly from August to May). Then the usual threats attached to the end if this "agreement" is not adhered to. I suppose this is progress of a sort - from what I've heard they've rarely been willing to make agreements, especially not in writing.
  2. Thanks for the replies - there's been some very helpful advice so far! They've finally made contact today - I missed the call but they left a text message asking me to get in contact to avoid "increased costs, adverse credit record, recover agents/bailiffs/court action" to my home. (Somewhat heavy for first correspondence). Is it worth talking to them and trying to arrannge something? Will it hurt my case if I don't at least make some effort to contact them or make some kind of payment? Initial loan was £300 in around October/November 2011, I paid them £95 to roll over the first month, then heard nothing more about it. My current outstanding amount is £1385. I'm willing to make some arrangement, however finances are very tight at the moment, and I very much begrudge paying such an extortionate amount. I don't believe I've ever received a copy of the agreement, e-mail or otherwise, and to access details of the loan (which shows outstanding balance only, no other information) I have to log into the Tooth Fairy website. (Despite the loan being taken out with TakeOutCash, and all texts and calls received from TakeoutCash - can this work in my favour in any way?). Overall, do you think it's woth making contact or some kind of offer, or just ignore all correspondence until they threaten legal action? Can they send bailiffs round before going to court? Is there anything else I can/need to do? Apologies for all the questions, I'm a little nervous/unsure! Thanks again for all the help so far, it's really appreciated! I will post full details of the results.
  3. I took out a payday loan with TakeOutCash - a side company of Tooth Fairy - a few months ago. Since my finances were in a mess at the time, I somehow managed to forget completely about the loan. However it appears they've also forgotten about me. They've made no attempts to take payment, or contact me in any way. They are still adding interest at a ridiculous amount. (£15 per £100 borrowed, per week). Is this a sneaky attempt, and they will try to contact me to reclaim several thousand in a couple of months? I currently owe £1115 for an initial loan of £300. Is there anything I can do? My finances are in a much better state, however I won't have "free" cash for close to a year, certainly not in large amounts. From other posts I've read it seems not many people have had much luck trying to make arrangements with Tooth Fairy in general. Am I better off trying to contact them to arrange something? Is this likely to just get them back on my case again if they really have forgotten about me? I do need to pay this off eventually whatever the circumstances are, as I don't want this hanging over me, and sitting on my credit report in the future, however if I leave it until I have the cash free it will be a ridiculous amount, and completely unaffordable. But if I try to make an arrangement, I risk subjecting myself to hassling phone calls, letters and threats from their debt collection companies, it seems. Anyone have any ideas on the best course of action? Anyone had a similar situation and had any good results? Is there any way I can avoid paying some of this without it looking bad on my credit report? (Are they completely within their rights to ask me to repay four times the original amount I borrowed, less than 6 months after I borrowed it? Do I have any rights in refusing to pay it?). Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated!
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