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  1. mboz62


    This topic was closed on 03/05/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support their. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. mboz62


    Has anyone got any comments, suggestions with regards to this? it would be good to get the thoughts of some of the people in this forum...
  3. mboz62


    I am currently in the process of recovering bank overcharges from the Halifax – nothing exciting run of the mill over draft stuff – and as much as I think that sites like this provide an extremely valuable service I think the big problem currently is that the masses don't really understand this whole thing. I consider myself to be a fairy intelligent kind of guy, and have seen occasional over charges been taken out of my account for a while (I'm rather absent minded when it comes to my banking!) I had always complained when I saw the money disappearing from my statement and been vaguely aware that it was wrong. However it becomes a case of lethargy the thought of 'it's only 30 quid I can't be arsed to do anything about it' it took 300 being taken from my ex wife's account before I really thought to set into action. I think it is this general lethargy that is the biggest problem with bringing the banks to account for their actions. They rely on the fact that people don't really understand the implications of the legalities of this. I believe that if it was possible to educate the general public with the facts of what the banks are doing is actually illegal it wouldn't be long before the banks would be forced to change their policy as a result of pure public pressure – in a similar way that the cash machine charges were changed due to public outcry. The only way to do this is through advertising. For this reason I am currently in talks with a local radio station to sign a twelve month contract to advertise what is wrong with the UK banking industry. I am currently looking to pay for this advertising out of my own pocket and am looking at some business ideas that would be able to fund it on a national scale. There will also be a website that will provide information (and provide links to sites such as this) as well as accepting donations to assist in making this more of a national possibility. As well as general comments on this idea, I am currently needing to find a solicitor who could advise on the advertising wording etc. obviously I would rather find someone who wouldn't mind providing this advice on a pro bono basis. I'd rather spend the money on advertising than on solicitors fees!
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