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tired mummy

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Everything posted by tired mummy

  1. Ripped off customer" Thankyou i have been in such a state since this all happened,i,m too frightened to even let my 3 yr old play out on the garden in case they turn up.i dont know what i,d do if they upset my little boy its so distressing.i,m not very good at writing letters so this will be a big help.the only letter i have wrote i copied off of here and dont really know what it all meant. I was going to hand it to the baliff when they arrived but they just put a levy on the car and left before i even had a chance to speak to them. I have spoke to other ppl on my local forum who have had the same baliff and it seems this is how she operates.sends a letter telling you to contact equita to avoid them coming to your home but when you contact her it goes to anwser phone where you leave a msg asking her to contact you,she doesn,t so you keep trying and because theres so many others probably leaving her msg too the inbox becomes full.and then they turn up because you haven,t been able to come to an agreement to pay the debt. its sickening that they can do this to ppl who are willing to come to an arrangement.and the bits of info i have picked up on baliff laws is like going back in time to the dark ages,these laws need bringing into the 21st century.the wording is like reading shakesphere.thankyou again and if anyone can help me to write a complaint to the council and company i,d be eternally grateful.
  2. theres nothing on the notice to explain any fees,nothing is in the baliffs fees section or baliffs costs per day section.just a sum of £475.35 in the total cost if paid today. it was a first visit,only had a letter saying they were coming 6 days before.the baliff was not anwsering her phone.no visit to arrange a payment plan took place.she just assummed the car was mine and put a levy on it.i know now this is a irregular levy.
  3. yes its the same council,why is it for £475 the debt is £270,and its the 1st visit and only visit made.it does not even state what debt this is for,no cost breakdowns.this baliffis uncontactable i,m at my wits end ,just feel so helpless.
  4. My husbands daughter has physical and learning difficultys she,s 20 and stays with us 3 days a week,without the car would make it very difficult.its also my husbands work vehicle as he,s a self employed tiler.
  5. there are 2 amounts one is for £270 and this was when my husband did not live with me,the other is for £800 and he did live with me,i,m not sure if they are going for both amounts together or separately,the baliffs have,nt given me a breakdown of fees. the notice of seizure just lists his car on the inventory of goods and underneath it says total amount if paid today £475.35.and this was there 1st visit,so i dont know if this is thier charges or whats left of the debt after taking the car. My husband is a self employed tiler and this car is used for him to make a living.if they take it he cant work. really upset because they never contacted me after i left a msg offering to come to a payplan agreement and apparently from speaking to someone else who has the same baliff handling thier case ,this baliff is never reachable and never rings you back.
  6. Hope someone can help,i received a letter sat the 17th march from equita.It gave a number to contact to avoid them coming to my doorstep to levy goods as they were in the area nxt wk. Called the number put my ref in and got an automated msg telling me who my baliff was and a number to contact her. Phoned the baliff (anwser machine) left my name and number and said i wanted to make arrangement to pay in installments,got no reply so kept phoning all wk only to be told msg box full so could,nt leave a msg. low and behold friday morning got a thump thump thump on the door and a notice of seizure and inventory of goods on my OH car.she didn,t even stick around long enough for me to speak to her and inform them it didn,t belong to me. the council tax debt is mine solely,the liability order is in my name only.i phoned her as i was fuming:-xsaid she had,nt contacted me or given me any opporunity to offer a payment plan and that there was no way she was taking my oh car as it wasn,t his debt,she put the phone down. I have asked the council to take the debt back as baliffs are not contactable and i suffer depression and this stress is making it worse.they refused and just said go to cab. They were supposed to be back at 9.45 this morning and have,nt shown up.so i,m now stuck in my house with all doors and windows locked and blinds closed so they cant peep in windows. I,m at my wits end cant live like this,i have a 3 yr old to take care of,i fear they may turn up at any time and force thier way in even tho i have never given them peaceful entry. I have wrote a letter from one i saw on here,telling baliff i was not allowing entry to levy goods/revoke entilment to charge a walking possessions fee/and will file a form 4 if fees contradict council tax admin an enforcement regulations and a breakdown of fees ect. Haven,t had a chance to give it to her personally so sent it to her number via text msg. what can i do now can someone please advise me what i should do
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