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  1. Hi Can anyone help with advice. I have been off work for a while now, Doctor is signing me off but i have panic attacks/depression/ told might have ME as they found some white spots on my spine. got sleep Apnea use a mask. I Have virtgo to not bad but its there. Had a d.w.p medical told to bend over asked if i could not as i get dizzy but had to went dizzy doctor left me got to the bed and layed there. having a very bad time. just need for all this stress to stop cant take letters coming in the post get stressed out, Bad heads all the time dizzyness and was bullied at my old job for 8 years and nothing ever got done was told it was me but had many people there see it all but then was told the manager that did this all to me got the sack for hitting someone see karma but i also been told got bipolor abd very worryed. what can i do doctor has to go back every two weeks sometimes i cant take it with people around me and panic but if i dont get sick note to the d.w.p maney is stopped but have to post it.
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