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Everything posted by drew170

  1. Thanks a lot everyone for your speedy replies and good advice. I was so angry at Robinson Way I couldn't even think straight. If my wife were still here, I know she'd have known exactly what to do to put a stop to it, so that just made me more angry! I will definitely sit down tonight CitizenB and compose a letter to them and I'll take UncleBulgarias advice and send it to their Compliance manager. Hopefully I can at least get taken off their mailing list. I know it's not my debt and therefore not a huge "deal", but it really has begun to drive me mad the constant letters and now the "threat" of debt collectors coming to my house looking for someone else. Again not a huge deal, but I can't help thinking, why should I have to deal with this? Anyway thank you all again, you have cleared my head about this and I now know what to do. I'll let you all know what, if anythings happens Drew
  2. Hello, I'm a new user and hope that someone can maybe offer me some advice on how to deal with Robinson Way. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. My wife and I bought a small farm in 1999. There was a property on the land, but we decided to stay in our home and rent the farmhouse out. Anyway the tenancy ended in January 2004 and we decided not to put new tenants in, because we eventually wanted to live there ourselves, but the slump in the housing market held us back from selling our main home. Tragically in July 2011 my wife passed away. So left with 3 young children under 5, I managed to sell our home quickly and move with them into the farmhouse. For the past 3 months I have been inundated with letters from Robinson Way looking for and demanding money from someone who doesn't live here. I have sent all the initial letters back to them unopened, but they have continued to send them. So I finally opened a couple to see exactly who they were from and what the heck it was about. I believe they may be for my previous tenants wife in her maiden name. I really can't be certain though as it is 8 years since they lived here and I'm guessing it's her maiden name. There is no first name on the letters only an initial. So it may not even be them! Anyway, I emailed them and told them this was nothing to do with me and I have no idea who it is they are looking for and that no one has lived in this house for 8 years. There also has been no mail other than the usual mail shots in all those years. They have replied really rudely telling me that they got the information from the electoral roll and that they would continue to send letters and if necessary debt collectors would call. I must admit a red mist descended on me and I emailed them back asking them which electoral roll they had checked because I have checked myself and also checked the census and no one of that name is registered as living here. I also angrily told them they could send as many debt collectors as they liked, because they wouldn't be getting a cent from anyone in this household, because 3 of the people who live here are children under the legal age to get credit and the other is a man, they are looking for a female. I realise getting angry probably isn't the right way to go, but I couldn't believe how unbeliveably rude these people are. Has anyone any suggestions on how I get rid of them without resulting in me flying to Salford and being arrested for assault . Thank you so much for reading my ranting ramble, hopefully I expalined myself properly Drew
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