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Posts posted by goodatresearch

  1. Power reserved just means the other executor(s) carry out probate without the power reserveds signature. The OPs wife has not done anything wrong. If her brother is not happy, he can apply for double probate meaning both will have to prove the Will. As for using researchers to find another Will, it sounds like he clutching at straws. The MIL solicitor has provided the last known Will and all he needs to do is check if there's another one lodged at the probate registry, this is an easy task. If I was the OPs wife I would ask the PR myself and ask the solicitor to provide written confirmation that they hold no other Will.

    • Haha 1
  2. COPD can be a very tricky diagnosis and is frequently wrongly diagnosed as pneumonia (even with the benefit of x rays and breathing tests). It's usually caused by smoking, pollution and/ or working in certain industries. It is not caused by medical negligence.


    I really need the expert advice here from you guys, to help me write a complaint letter against a GP .


    1. In Dec 2014 my elderly mum went to see the GP, who told her nothing is wrong with you, go home and just take paracemtols. Later the same day my mums condition deteriorate, so she went back to see the GP. This time I went in with my sister as my mum could hardly walk and we had to hold her by the arms to help in walk. Inside the GP's room, the same GP my mum had seen earlier in the day, told us she "just has a cold/virual infection, go take parecetamol". He also said " telling her 'Your wasting time going to the hospital - disgraceful and unproffesional. I said she's showing signs of Pneumonia and I demanded he send her to the hospital, because she was in a very bad way. He said "your wasting your your time, all they will give is parectamol". I demanded he send my mom to hospital, so he relunctly provided a letter and admitted it was my mom had Pneomonia. The letter we were to show the hospital.



    2. Once in the hospital ward, we gave the letter to someone working the ward and were told to wait. Over 2hrs passed and after repeatedly asking to help my mum. We were told the GP had sent us to the wrong ward!! and not the ward for the elderly.



    3 Once in the correct ward, we ended up waiting and waiting and were eventually told "Your mums names is at the bottom of the list!!!


    She was kept in for overnight, put on a drip and given medican


    All above was on Dec 2014



    Now in Oct 2016 my mums health deteriorated, she went back and it was the same GP (she saw in Dec 2014) - my mum was begging him to send her to hospital, her chest felt like it was fire, she was wheezing, had phelgm stuck to her chest, But the GP said NO! My mum was begging him for medication or send her to the hospital but he said "Its not Pneumonia and I'm not giving you anything" - so my mum went home!!



    Since Oct 2016 (after her visit to the GP) in Oct 2016, my mums health deteriorated and just last week, she was strugling to breath and an abulance was cold out, She had phelgm stuck to her lungs, and the narrowing of chest and windpipe, she now has COPD because of the se the serious and repeated mistakes the GP has made, he ignored my mums serious condition whenever she went to see him.


    Please someone help me write a really good complaint letter

  3. Come on people. One warning only. Keep this discussion civil or posts will vanish. We at CAG are always open to free speech but not at the expense of other member.


    If you can't discuss matters without getting childish then don't post. It IS that simple. We all know who makes fools of themselves. By letting posts stand, the foolish poster will soon realise that they are not getting the attention they crave and move on.




    Mr Evans has insulted debtors, called them cowards and bragged about "allegedly" making them cry in court and making them bankrupt. He has also insinuated he has some sort of authority to use force because of being a body guard, security professional and having previous physical training. As a legally qualified person find these statements unbelievable, so my questions stand. Feel free to delete them if you think my reasonable questions aren't civil.

  4. No, not judges as they have law degrees. But I'm on a par with any Bailiff or HCEO, as I have 4 years debt collection experience, and its only a level 2 qualification that you need to be Enforcement Officer, come on its not difficult guys.[/QUote]


    Oh Mr Evans all your posts have really amused me so thanks for that. You do know that solicitors have law degrees don't you and that "body guards" and bog standard "debt collectors" have no more legal authority than a man in the street? So tell me what actually are your exact qualifications and from what do you derive your power? Don't be shy, do share.

  5. Only the beneficiaries of a will have any right to ask for a copy of the estate accounts & proof of expenditure. It is privileged information, and you are under no legal or moral obligation to provide the documents being asked for. A simple statement saying "£xxxx remains after funeral and other expenses" is sufficient.


    Actually I'd go further as it only the residuary beneficiary that has a right to the accounts. As advised just tell them what is left remembering to knock of allowable expenses (phone calls, stamps etc).

  6. I'd wait to see what the company comes back with and go from there. I certainly wouldn't suggest she takes over the loan, your mum shouldn't have to live a life of poverty.


    What does the loan agreement say about the savings/income? I seem to remember a case where a family weren't credited with the correct income from their panels.


    What does it say will happen if the debtor defaults?


    I supose they could take back the panels if they wanted to?


    Have a read of the loan, just in case there is something you can use to your mums advantage at a later date. For now sit tight and wait until they make written contact.

  7. Yes. I was adding that the Solicitor might well have been the executor and therefore the person legally responsible for estate matters, rather than the family. If Solicitor was executor, they should have looked at the loan terms as part of their work and presumably have written to the Bank to advise them of the death. It then surely follows that they might receive further correspondence as executor regarding how the Bank wants to proceed.


    Another misunderstanding. Whether probate is applied for or if this is not necessary, as in this case, who ever is dealing with the estate had to contact all creditors.


    do the loan terms say anything re death. recalling an old (so prob not generally applicable nowadays) cred card where the terms said on death it wld be written off.


    This isn't a CC. The creditor is entitled to repayment. In reality, the worst the creditor will probably do is go for a charging order.

  8. Isn't that what I said?


    Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of bad advice about debt following death.


    1). An unsecured debt doesn't mean it can be ignored. It had to be paid out of the estate before inheritance is distributed.


    2). If there isn't enough money after reasonable expenses and funeral costs the debt dies


    3) However if there is an house held as tenant in common then yes it can pass to the beneficiary but the creditor can still come after the deceased share. Even if the house is held as joint tenancy the creditor can bring insolvency proceedings for 5 years post death.

  9. Mr P at #2 is correct.


    The creditor could indeed go after the equity in the property (dads 50%).


    I personally wouldn't make any offers of payment which would leave mum with less to live on.


    Worst case scenario is they will put a lien on the house (as already mentioned).

    Would a lien be awful?

    It would he paid off after sale and after the mortgage was paid off, it is highly unlikely they would force sale?


    Can you imagine the bad press, throwing an old lady out of her home.


    I would wait until they make contact again.

  10. How do you mean CD?


    Pneumonia doesn't last that long these days. My husband was ill for a couple of weeks a while ago and then went back to work once the antibiotics had worked.




    A young friend of mine was in ICU for ages with Pneumonia and placed in an induced coma. Relatives told not to expect a recovery at all and although thankfully didnt die as anticipated wasnt 100% for many months. Your husband therefore was very lucky.

  11. Not sure which category to post this under as none fits the description.Mods.please move if required.


    A colleague at work and his wife adopted a male at around 9 months old.

    When he was a couple of years old, the "parents" changed his surname to theirs.


    He is now 15.The colleague is seeking the original adoption documents but can't find who holds them.He has tried Social Services but to no avail.


    I suggested he try the registry office, or the magistrates court who awarded the "parents" custody.is this correct,or is it another governing body they need to contact?.


    Don't they have the original adoption certificate?

  12. Absolutely awful. Why would you put a holiday form in if you had been told in writing you weren't entitled.




    After a stressful day from 10:00 - 17:00, my case was dismissed on a technicality.


    Although I proved my employer only told me I had 17 days reaming instead of 25 days (accrued) on an email, the respondent's expensive barrister argued I did not actually put in a 'request' for the 8 days and therefore my employer hasn't actually refused any holiday.


    As the year has ended, the regulations prohibits annual leave being carried over, I have now lost them. Barrister told judge she could not offer these now as it will be 'payment in lieu'


    Judge said if I did a holiday application and then it was refused, there would be grounds.


    Either work for a decent company or learn the employment law to tackle these problems.

  13. That's really what I meant. Put it this way, I sold a house last year and the buyers dragged their feet. I didn't want sensitive financial info, just wanted to know at what the stage they were at. My solicitor just got " it takes as long as it takes" from the buyers solicitor. In the mean time we were losing out on potential interested parties. I told my EA that I wanted an update that day or they were to start remarketing the property and I would leave their offer on the table. Is it worth losing a house you really want because you don't want the seller to know at what stage your at.




    Which the vendor can find out from their solicitor. The EA needs to know very little once solicitors details have been exchanged.


    In my limited experience of two sales recently, the agents have produced more information than the lawyers. In our case, they have been the main source of information.


    I agree with you about the financial information though, I wouldn't be happy about that. As goodatresearch said, I would expect it to be generic information.



  14. All universities are state subsidized to a certain extent so why shouldnt nursing or doctors training be as well? Many are saying doctors shouldn't be able to go abroad without paying for their training back or until they've worked a set number of years for the NHS. Is this proposed rule going to be for anyone with a university education or just NHS staff??


    Most doctors log a hugh number of unpaid hours and yet people are demonising them. Its wrong. A lot of people who moan about doctors earning potential are just jealous and thinking about themselves. I work weekends for minimum wage so should everyone attitude. Look at that woman on the TV moaning that the doctors had breached their duty of care because her operation had been cancelled (postponed actually dear) and how awful they all were. Anyone switching on in the middle of the interview must of thought she needed a life saving op. But oh no, it was a tonsillectomy, a very routine non urgent op. What a selfish "me me' woman.

    Ignore the fact that the government want to impose an unsafe and unfair contract on them as long as im alright jack.


    Large percentage of these Doctors when qualified at who!s expense? end up overseas where they can earn lot more money therefore no benefit to the NHS here = US , same as a lot of Nurses who qualify here, that is a fact as I have seen in many overseas countries, use to be Canada and the USA - more so Dubi etc and even the Far East! where 2 x paracetamols cost 50P+ says it all
  15. Can I ask, what info was passed on?


    If it was " yes they have a mortgage and just waiting for the paperwork" I can't see what the problem is. If it was something like, "they have defaults and are on a low wage" then that's a different thing entirely.


    Sellers pay a fortune to EAs and its their job to liaise between all parties and find out if the purchaser can afford the house.. Sellers are entitled to know how the sale is progressing and solicitors known this. The question is whether the solicitor passed the fine like be between assisting the purchase and breaching confidentiality.

    • Haha 1
  16. perhaps a CRB check is required for a job with the AA as an employee may have to meet people - example - an AA person meets up with lone female to fix car


    just a thought


    Yep your right. A few years ago a woman rang her breakdown service, he came and made some pretext to go and get something. Returned wearing a mask and attacked and raped her. I think the AA are right to ask for. A CRB check. I personally don't want a rapist, rehabilitated or not, attending my car when I'm alone. I'm funny like that.

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