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  1. I contacted the train station later in the day & was told the situation was passed to the police for investigation. I was told I should go down to the station or wait for them to come to me so I thought the right thing to do would be go down & try clear up the situation. I was detained & charged with fraud & forgery. I am now waiting to find out if the PF will summon me to court to be prosecuted. Yes I had more than 1 valid ticket on me which I tried to present after showing the computerised ticket by mistake but the ticket officer point blank wouldn't accept & ignored to hear me out & instead contacted the Police straight away for them to deal with. I also had the majority of my previous tickets in my rail card so I thought this would go for me the fact it shows I do actually purchase my rail tickets. I am unsure as to wither I will recieve a fine or instead a fine & a prosecution at court which can of course lead to a criminal record which I really want to try & avoid. Thank you for both your responses... I really appreciate the replies.
  2. Hello, Can someone please help me with this? I am new to CAG & I believe I could get some opinions from past expereinces? I travel by train to work & this morning I was stopped because I had an invalid ticket in my rail card pass - this is a ticket I made on the computer as my little cousin likes to play with my pass & I don't like keeping my actual ticket inside just incase she loses it or damages it etc. The ticket inspector said it could be inspected as fraud & is an exact copy so he took my pass from me. I had my valid flexi passes in my hand to show him & explained this is a mistake & I have my valid ticket here but he wouldn't take this off me. I have now read some stories online & I am seriously panicking like all the others that I might be sent to court, prison, criminal record. I am willing to pay whatever I can to make this not appear in court wither it's £500 or £5000! I have never been in trouble with the law & behind the invalid computerised ticket were all my other valid train tickets which I have purchased over the month - I am hoping this might go in my favour to show I do purchase my tickets? Can someone please give me advice or anyone with info on what happened to them with similar circumstance? I appreciate all the advice in advance. Thanks,
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