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Everything posted by floss08

  1. I took a contract phone out with 3 in September 2008 which was an 18 month contract which ended in March 2010, at least i thought! I didn't pay for the last month and received a letter saying I owed £47 odd to them, I heard nothing more from them until now 2 year on they've sent me a letter saying i owe them £330 odd, due to a roll on contract, which I didn't even know existed! I have no signed contract with them etc. What can I do about this, they've obviously sent it to a further debt collection agency because I refuse to pay. Any help would be much appreciated. thanks
  2. Sorry if ive put this in the wrong selection, hoping someone can help. Okay, so a lady brought her laptop to me for the damage to be inspected, I did this and told her that the problem was with her motherboard, this was a week before Christmas, (busy time for me with 2 kids) the repair was going to cost £180 but she told me she would just drop the laptop and claim on her insurance, anyways no phone calls or contact from her and she called unexpectedly and her laptop wasn't ready I hadn't put it back together, 5-6 weeks later she calls again unexpectedly and her laptop was ready but i had a problem i had misplaced her CD drive cover but i told her that i would replace this, anyways, 2 weeks later she called me for a receipt, no problems, she came and collected it, now 2 weeks later I've received a letter from her saying shes got a serious problem and shes willing to take me to a smalls claims court. She said she had her suspicious about the laptop and that id been tampering with it, no such thing! She said shed taking the laptop to another computer store to be looked at and there was screws missing, the hard drives been replaced and the ram has been taking out, shes blaming me for this which i haven't done. She said shes phoned the Sony to verify what specs of the hard drive and the ram, obviously doesn't match whats in her laptop! shes saying she has all the evidence to take me to a small claims court, none of this is true, where do i stand and what can i do? Thanks for you time.
  3. Do you know roughly how much they charge for the insurances? I'm not bothered about losing the money to be honest because I'm not happy with it in the first place, just want rid of them.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm new to the site, but I've been searching and searching, so I was hoping someone would be able to help me, my partner took out a couch with buy as you view, good idea at the time, bad idea now! We now owe just over £800 with 15 month to go. Is there any chance we could settle this agreement early? I'm sick of the couch as is and the bloody beeping meter, I just want rid, or could we send it back? I don't have a clue where our argeement has gone, of we actually had one to start with? Also, they added extra cover for insurance but I've been told that if I get my own home insurance they take this off the amount owed? So hopefully we don't owe as much as we do! Ii was wondering what sort of opitions we have. Any help with be grateful. Thank you for your time.
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