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Everything posted by sandbank

  1. Miller Pattison are part of the SiG Energy Management Group and have been contracted by the French-owned energy company EDF to carry out free insulation for qualifying properties in the UK. We qualified because the thickness of insulation in our loft was below the minimum standards and because I am an OAP (I had to send SiG a copy of my birth certificate to prove it!). Having cleared all the entitlement hurdles (even though we are not EDF customers and don't take our power from them) SiG sent a surveyor around to take a look at the loft space. He turned up on time . It was a rather quick examination - but he said (and they made clear in the paperwork) that the loft would have to be cleared of stuff stored up there before they could install the additional insulation (they leave the existing insulation in place). They then made an appointment to install on February 6th One factor you need to bear in mind is that if you do need to use your loft for storage - and you have a boarded area up there - it's still OK and you still qualify for free insulation provided no more than 25% of the loft is boarded over. Where the loft is boarded over they will leave free of insulation. That's because the insulation material they install is so thick it is way above the height of the rafters. You don't want to squash the insulation beneath a board because that will put pressure on the ceiling boards beneath. Two guys arrived at the appointed time on the appointed day - and even phoned us on their mobiel phone to tell us they were on their way . (They told me later that a lot of householders make bookings and then aren't there on the booked date adn time to admit them to the premises ) . They carried out the installation of the new insulation and completed the job in less than three hours. They also replaced the lagging on the water tank and insulated all the water pipes in the loft and even insulated the trap door leading into the laft. They also stapled notices on the beams in the loft warning anyone going up there not to step on anything other than boards or rafters and also left a certificate - again stapled in place for the benefit of possible future owners of our home - specifying the type of insulation they had used. They also worked around the boarded areas so that we can put the stuff up there which we were originally storing in the loft. All in all we were satisfied with what they did - and of course it was all free.It seemed the installers were well trained to do the job and did it thoroughly. By the way we didn't ask to have cavity-wall insulation installed (alrthough we could have had that installed too free of charge). The reason we didn't is that building experts do not think cavity wall insulation is ever a good idea. That cavity is there for a reason - to separate the cold outer wall from the warm inner wall. You will risk bridging that gap and making the inner wall damp if you install cavity insulation. Don't do it . Look at Jeff Howells's articles in the Daily Telegraph and he will back up what I say.
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