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Everything posted by KKorky

  1. Do I detect a touch of sarcasm G&M.? For the record the person there at the time was a brother in law. K.
  2. I've read the PDF File in the link above.. Included is a picture of a car windscreen, showing the BB in the same place as the Disabled OAP had it in my home town....just strengthens the theory what getting bantered about. Still waiting for a reply to my email, Thanks for your replies, K.
  3. Expiry date upwards. The emphasise was on the position of the badge TBH, K.
  4. Update, I have sent an email to DCC appealing the PCN. One disabled driver in the town the other day (a OAP) received a PCN for not displaying his BB properly. The person who told me was working there at the time the PCN was issued. He said the BB was on the dash in front of the steering wheel as plain as day for anyone to see, yet the TW said it was not displayed correctly & still gave him a PCN...NO Mention Of the Time Card...!! So it seems to me that at any cost DCC will have your money, whether Disabled/OAP or not..!! Since you have had three comments on this thread green_and_mean concerning displaying BB correctly, underlined above, please tell me where exactly it has to be placed before one of them Fatherless TW give you a PCN.? K.
  5. Never ever used a clock in 18yrs, & this is a first, seems a petty excuse to squeeze funds out of people..!!!!! K.
  6. Yep, that's my intention, now I see why the ticket was issued. His reply was she could have been parked there all night.. Cheers, K. The talk going around the town since all the cut backs is it's just a money making excise, these TW have just appeared recently.
  7. Parked on a normal street, In a Disabled Bay, Allowed to park for 3hrs, not 2hrs, just talked to the wife, I'll edit the original post, Disabled Badge shown, no clock, Gone 15mins aprox, the receipts from Argos will give a good estimation of the time period, & the staff will verify this, been to see them. Thanks, K.
  8. Sorry about that Yes could you please change it to "Disabled Driver Gets Parking Ticket From Durham County Council" Thanks, K.
  9. Hi, my wife was parked whilst returning a faulty item to a shop, where you are allowed to park for a period of 3hrs. She was gone for aprox 15mins, when she returned a Traffic Warden was next to her car writing a ticket, even with the disabled badge clearly in view. & herself on crutches. When she questioned why he was writing a ticket, his reply was that he didn't know how long she was parked there for, even when the lady from the shop spoke up saying that she couldn't have been more than 15mins. What I need is a Letter Template to write to the council for obvious reasons.? Any member got a Link/PDF, or something I could just copy/paste, Thanks in advance, K.
  10. That's my point, I don't come under the Type A, if there is a mistake it is on there behalf, not mine. Some where along the line DWP have made an error. I haven't failed to declare, given any misrepresentation, or tried any fraud. So I'm thinking I come under Type A. Sorry I cannot give any more info, all I've got is what's on the letter, the phone call Monday should enlighten me. Thanks for your reply, K.
  11. I'm the same, & won't find out till Monday Mornings phone call, & Yes those are the correct dates. This is a quote from one of the pages I've been reading; I didn't make a fraudulent claim, gave them all the right info, the mistake is on there behalf, not mine. Cheers, K.
  12. Hi, thanks for your replies. No, this letter has landed out the blue, there reason on the letter; So it looks like whatever changed has been back dated to 14/08/2008. TBH I haven't a clue, I'll have to phone first thing Monday Morning. Did anyone google "The Child Poverty Action Group", & if so what's your opinion..? Thanks, K.
  13. Hi, I've just received a letter from DWP saying that they have over paid me Income Support from 2008 to the present date, totalling £740. They say the money has to be returned. There reason ...."the overpayment occurred because on the 18/08/2011 your circumstances changed and the office that paid your benefit was not told at the correct time about changes to money being paid to you or a dependant" Period of over payment; 14/08/2008--11/10/2011. Surely this is there fault & not mine..? If you google "The Child Poverty Action Group" you'll see that they have won a case in court concerning this DWP Over payments. Has any members went through this before ? The point I'm getting at after reading the links is, it's not my fault that the info wasn't passed on through there departments, & the bucks been passed onto me through there incompetence. Any help appreciated, Thanks, K.
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