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Everything posted by loulou68

  1. I WILL be putting in a letter to the CAB as I feel I was really let down by them. They had the proof in front of them that the debt was not mine and despite me asking for LEGAL advice they insisted it was DEBT advice I needed. The lady I spoke to went through an income/expenditure form and as an angel (tomtubby) pointed out to me yesterday, had the bailiff been willing to speak to and negotiate with her on my behalf, I would now be struggling to pay (probably for years) for someone elses parking fines.
  2. I just want to say from the bottom of my heart a massive thank you to tomtubby. For the first time in four days I will be able to sleep easy. The bailiff did turn up and knock the door but I didnt answer so he went away and now at least I get the chance to put my side in front of the court in 10 days. I cannot describe the sick feeling I have had knowing that someone was prepared to take nearly a thousand pounds from me for a debt that they knew wasnt mine. Thank you to everyone who has helped me today and I will post back after attending court to let you know what happened.
  3. He still hasnt arrived. I've just tried putting his name in the certificated bailiff register search (found the link on another post) and he is not on there. Also tried the company and he's not on there either.
  4. Thanks brassnecked, I've just sent the message now and its gone through this time so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  5. I really dont know what to do now. should i try ringing the bailiffs again? i know they are going to tell me to ring the attending bailiff who will just say £950 or should i go out? i'm trying to keep calm for my sons sake but he knows something is up.
  6. tomtubby, i tried to send you a message but it is saying i cant send it because i dont have enough posts?
  7. I will do that today and make sure all letters are sent recorded but is there any way of postponing their visit today and can they break in if i dont answer the door?
  8. I have proof that i sold the car before the offences were commited and so does the court but they told me because they have been outstanding so long, i am out of time to get them to review and i need to speak with the bailiff. The bailiff refused to speak to CAB yesterday even though she said she was acting as my representative and told me that if i didnt pay £950 they will be "returning at 1pm with a van and a locksmith and will force entry in order to seize and remove goods using the powers conferred schedule 4A domestic violence, crime and victims act 2004 and the amount owed will increase". I am really scared now as I only have an hour. Are there any forms I can put into the court that can try and stop them doing this until I can get further advice maybe legal advice? They told me they will not accept any paymant plan which CAB said would buy me a few more days.
  9. i didnt have a copy of what he wrote down but he said table and chairs, 3 piece suite, tv, computer and monitor (very old and not worth anything) clock. cant remember if there was anything else because i was in such a panic but everything in my house i either bought second hand or was given as i moved in with absolutely nothing. i was claiming jobseekers allowance until april 2011 as my son was only in school for half days but when he was moved to an autistic school i had a few hours so i now work between 10 and 15 hours per week (only in term time as i am his carer.) i get carers allowance and DLA for him also tax credits. My son is 14 and is diagnosed with autism, adhd + socialised conduct disorder.
  10. They were from a magistrates court for parking on yellow lines + in disabled bays etc in Cardiff which is about 25miles away from where I live. There were several of them all dated at least six months after I sold the car through the local car auction.
  11. Thank you so much. I'm here on my own with my son today and just dont know what else I can do.
  12. Please help! Back in May 2007 I sold a car through a local auction house and they said at the time that I didnt need to inform DVLA that I had sold the car as it was their responsibility to inform them of the new owner. At the end of 2007 I received notification from the magistrates court that I had a number of parking fines racked up several months after I had sold the car I contacted the court who told me to forward the sale date and the new keeper details. I contacted the auction house who told me they couldnt give me new keeper details due to data protection but would forward the relevent info to the court and again to the DVLA. Early in 2008 I had to leave the family home with my three children (one of which has been diagnosed with severe mental health problems) due to domestic violence leaving most of my belongings and paperwork behind and was housed in emergency homeless accomodation for 12 months until being given permanent accomodation. I heard nothing from the courts or anyone else during this time until August 2011 there was a knock at the door at 6.15am. I answered the man said he was acting on behalf of the magistrates court and showed me an ID card with the same information on - I let him in. Once inside he said he was from the bailiff company "Swift Credit Services" and said he was there to collect £750. I told him that I couldnt pay and explained that I wasnt the owner at time. I also explained that I had to get my disabled child ready for school but he just walked around listing my possessions. By this time I was frantically trying to find any paperwork relating to the car and eventually an hour later found the receipt of sale which was the only evidence I had managed to keep when I had left the marital home. Only then did he agree to put it on hold so I could forward a copy to the courts which I did that morning. I have heard nothing since until last Friday morning when about 7am I thought I heard the door knock but by the time I went downstairs there was no-one there after going back upstairs I heard something being pushed through the letterbox which was a letter from Swift saying they were returning on the 14th at 1pm with a locksmith to gain forced entry and seize goods if I didnt pay £950. I contacted my local CAB that morning and got an appointment for 10am yesterday. The lady said that I would have to make them an offer to pay in installments and went through my income and expenditure then rang Swift to make the offer. They told her to ring the attending bailiff which she did but he refused to speak to her as my representative and would only speak to me she passed the phone to me and he said he would be with me 1pm and would only accept £950. The lady at CAB then rang the court and faxed a copy of the sale of the car to them in the hope they might be able to do something but they rang her back in the afternoon to say it was out of time for a review and would still stand. I then rang the court myself but they said the only thing they could advise is for me to negotiate with the bailiff and there was nothing they could do. I'm sorry to go on but I wanted to make sure all the facts were there and I'm really scared now that they are going to break in at 1pm but I just dont know where else to turn.... ..please could anybody help?
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