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  1. blimey stardust i do feel for you! i just dont think they realise the anguish they cause-i would be the first one to put my hands up if i was up to no good but it seems we are easy targets- i have had my appointment with cab & they are organising another appointment for me with someone more knowledgable. fingers crossed we will come out of this unscathed.
  2. I was told i must ring next week- to advise him if we are discussing the issue, re:moving in etc... but what worries me is the whole if you dont then you could be called in lots & have people watching your home- i dont have anything to worry about but really hate the idea of being watched & called in all the time. We are not living together and i was told that him staying over would make things difficult- maybe i just had the misfortune of having an over-zealous officer. i just find it all so distressing like i just have no choice to put up or shut up basically. i wish i'd seen this site before maybe i would have been armed better for the interview.
  3. Sorry thanks to everyone for their responses- i just found it amazing- by there scale i worked out I have at least 6 people who should be 'finacially responsibe' for me. Truth is in hindsight i have so many things i could have said but just think i was so shell-shocked that i just didnt know what to do- nobody likes being on benefits , i def know i dont but unfortunately having worked all my life - my health & life experiences have now put me in that position- what i didnt like was the kind of vailed but basically saying look if you dont do it we are going to hassle the hell out of you!! i dont want to be called in all the time & he even said "you could end up with people watching you 24hrs a day" surely there must be bigger fish to fry!! i must admit though i told my kids about it (they are grown up) & thursday night i fell over outside- my daughter quick as a flash said i do hope they got that on film mum we can send it to you've been framed. so we are still able to laugh but the pressure is intense.
  4. know completely how you feel- i too had a visit today, a false accusatiopn of living with someone, a man i have been dating under a year.. and now i have been given a month to move in together or split up, seems barmy to me that they can dictate that you have to move in with someone. his parting shot to me was well of course if its a mallicious call then if you dont move in together you will get a lot more of these visits as there will probably be so many more calls! I was talking to a friend who worked out that given his statements as regards to definition of a couple that i should infact be supported by her & her husband as they spend more time with me... cook me meals, take me out (usually to hospital visits) etc.. so i have to try & find out what to do next.
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