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Everything posted by Janice76

  1. Thanks for the advice everyone, its been a real help... I'll let you know how i get on...
  2. Thanks for your help guys - I'm off to bed now! Any more advice on the subject would be gratefully received as I want assurances my personal information is protected.. Thanks
  3. Yes - I have a copy of the email she has sent. What could the police actually do with regards to this? There are subtle threatening tones in the email about using information she has obtained on me against me - I have my own business and the main reason i have not immediately contacted her work is for fear of my reputation being ruined. Should i take this further - and she, for example, got the sack - what grounds would i have to ensure my personal information then does not become public knowledge?
  4. She has a position within a government agency that deals with sensitive information - therefore i have reason to believe that yes, she could access my details. Do you know how the matter would be dealt with?
  5. I've had a personal issue somebody, and out of the blue, i received an email from them stating that they had used their position in work to look at all my records - police, medical and social services. Its an extremely distressing time anyway die other things happening as well, and this has really made me feel on edge about having my personal information invaded. With regards to telling her place of work - what could actually happen in such a case with regards to an investigation? How will my personal information on myself be protected if she knows things? Is it likely that someone could access all of these records or is it likely to be a fabrication? And - should it be a fabrication - Would she still be disciplined in work? I currently can not sleep over this and the connected matters and want to have an idea of potential backlashes before telling her place of work.
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