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Everything posted by eamamar

  1. The first time I became aware of the conviction was a few days ago, when receiving a letter from Northumbria enforcement office, stating that I have a fine to pay (10 working days). Absolutely no details, besides a reference number, my name and DOB. Only when I called them did I find out what it was for. They said I should contact the magistrates office to make a stat dec if it was the first correspondence that I have received. I think those details you have listed are exactly what I am after as I wish to understand the breakdown of the fine, costs, awards etc. Thanks again for your help - will report back to say how it goes.
  2. Many thanks for the rapid response! Any idea if I can see the details of the existing conviction, including charges brought against me etc, at the local magistrates office before making my statutory declaration?
  3. hello! I found the explanations (old-CodJAs 1st one) in particular very useful - thanks. "Got-final-reminder-for-unpaid-fine-from-court-after-5-years-plz-help" I find myself in a similar situation, and wonder what thoughts are on the following?: Court fine: £265 from a conviction 1.5 years ago - hearing not attended. Reason: unpaid fare penalty notice from Nexus Tyne & Wear (TOC) Penalty fare would be £20, or £80 if not paid in 35 days. Never received NIP or summons due to various circumstances including moving house, although I was always registered at subsequent addresses with the same council (Newcastle upon Tyne). If I make a Stat Dec., and write to the TOC explaining circumstances and ask for out of court settlement - then this may end up cheaper than the fine I have just received, as was explained in the thread i have linked above. If I make a stat dec., and a new case is brought to court (if no out of court settlement agreed for example), and I plead guilty given the first opportunity, is it possible that if given a fine it is likely to be less(or more!) than the original one, given the circumstances which I will explain, but more importantly given the fact that I have been proactive and this time have appeared in court when summoned? Lastly, having read the Thread about what happens in court (very useful): If/when I plead guilty at the new hearing (following a stat dec. and prosecution brought against me again), will I be given the chance to explain the extenuating circumstances that contributed to not receiving any NIPs/summons from the TOC - and thus ask that the fine I receive be less than the original since I have been forthcoming and have attended court. Or will they just say defendant pleas guilty - fine is X? Basically, I am trying to evaluate whether it is worth making the stat dec. and hoping that the fine will be less next time, or whether I just suck it up and pay the full court fine. Any idea how long this stays on record (given that i have already served 1.5years of it, albeit unknowingly!) Many thanks in advance!
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