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Hastings Direct. Joe - Soc

Customer Service Rep

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Posts posted by Hastings Direct. Joe - Soc

  1. Hi Ads_uk,


    Your concerns have been noted and raised to the customer relations team to look into for you. They will acknowledge your complaint within five working days with more information and your reference number.





  2. Hi,


    Hopefully you're happier now with the outcome, I sincerely apologise for the error made in choosing void rather than cancellation. If you're not happy to consider the issue resolved, do let me know. Also, I'd like to ask that you please edit out our colleague's name from post #6 for her security.


    Thanks, Joe

  3. Hi Starance,


    Thanks for getting in touch. When you choose to repay the cost of your premium by monthly instalments you do agree to the interest charge which is added to the total and spread among the payments. If you went to pay more or even all at anytime this will, in turn, reduce the amount of interest you will pay, too. I hope this helps clarify



  4. Hi Pete,


    Thanks very much for letting us know about your issue, we would certainly like to learn more about it and see if there is an amicable resolution we can arrange. The first thing I'd like to do is find your policy details so if you want to email me at [email protected] please can you provide your full name, DoB and registration or policy number? I can then respond once I've looked into it for you.


    Kind regards,



  5. Hi Izzy,


    I'm sorry to see that you're unhappy with our fee and the additional premium to change the address, our customer relations team will be able to provide an investigation into your concerns and determine the quality of the service you received when asking for a cancellation quote as well. While we make every effort to ensure our fees are clear, straightforward and accepted before sale I appreciate that we can only tell you if there is an additional or return of premium at the time of the change. Thank you for letting us know about your experience, it's very useful for us to learn directly from customers about how it has been received.





  6. Hi Deee


    I can see that we attempted to call you yesterday, however we were unable to reach you. As we couldn’t speak with you directly, we sent you an email detailing our understanding of the situation and offered for you to get back in touch should you need anything further.


    When looking into the communication you have had with Hastings Direct, I cannot see that we’ve informed you that your vehicle is not repairable. I also cannot see that we have instructed Albany to take your vehicle to the two garages named in your complaint or made any promises concerning a courtesy vehicle. We have been corresponding with Albany and they have also advised that they have no record that they’ve instructed a garage for you.


    I understand that you do not wish to pay your excess, however due to the circumstances of your claim Albany Assistance are unable to offer a credit hire and repair service. As a result the only way to proceed with the claim/repairs is to pay your excess upon completion of repairs/settlement and we look will look to make a financial recovery from the third party’s insurers. I must explain that your excess is the first part of any claim you have agreed to pay, regardless of fault, as part of the contract you have with us. If you are unable to proceed to repairs and pay your excess upon completion, we will be unable to assist you with the damages to your vehicle.


    I can confirm that a complaint has been logged with Albany Assistance on your behalf and they have a maximum of 8 weeks to provide a response, however they aim to respond within 4 weeks if possible.


    Many thanks,



  7. Hi,


    Thanks for getting touch and posting your experience, I'm sorry that you're not happy with the additional premium. As you've had explained already, each insurer has trusted research which determines a postcode's risk rating and will take this into account when deciding to apply a charge or not. Some insurers will absorb the cost or ignore the data and others will adjust the premium accordingly to ensure that a potential future claim has been appropriately covered. If you have received a final response letter from the customer relations team and are still unhappy, the letter also gives you details of how you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service within. If you want to email your details to [email protected] I can help you determine if this is indeed the case.



    Kind regards,



  8. Hi,


    Thank you for finding the time to write this.

    When taking out a policy with us you're able to enter how many no claims years that you have to entitle you to a discount on the premium.

    It's not that we cut your no claims discount years down to 9,

    it's just that we accept no more than 9 years as we see 9 years being the maximum amount of discount that we apply to any policy with ourselves.



    This is why 9 years is stated on your documents as it's 9 years of your no claims discount that is being used to generate a discount for yourself.



    As long as we have received a no claims proof document from your previous insurer we're able to send a document stating the full no claims years

    that you do have if you don't decide to renew with us.



    Your feed back and comments are much appreciated and taken on board as we welcome the opportunity to learn and improve.


    Kind regards,



  9. Hi Yukiko,


    Sorry to hear that you've had issues with getting the letter from Churchill but I'm sure I can help. As mentioned, the renewal invitations often have a page where the year-ending NCD is declared and since it's on Churchill headed paper, we can usually accept that. If you have it, go ahead and email it over to me at [email protected] and I can either pass it to the team for you or explain what more I might need.


    This should be fine, if you need anything else just let me know.






  10. Hi Gazzoouk,


    Thanks for sharing your experience, I've read your post with interest. With the policyholder's consent, we will instruct one firm who we have a business agreement with and explain who it is on a call with him or her. That firm may contact you to handle a potential injury claim, however the policyholder would normally make any passengers aware. We will not sell or pass information to any other firm.


    If you do feel you the firm who called you misrepresented that we had instructed them, you may log an official complaint first with them. They will provide a response and if you are unhappy with it, you have recourse to take it further with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) who can then review the case for you.


    I hope that this provides some help for you and also that you reach an amicable outcome.


    Kind regards,



  11. Hi Zoltron,


    Thank you for your post, while I'm disappointed that you chose another insurer, I am glad that you were able to make an informed decision based on our published info about what you might be charged. In order to give our customers more freedom and transparency, we made the decision to split admin fees from the premium. Now we can offer extremely competitive rates and also apply fees only where necessary so the fairness and value to our customers is better than ever.


    Just so you know, our fees are not for profit and are there to help recover our own costs in performing administrative tasks so we can keep growing while offering a five star Defaqto rated product.


    However, we're always reviewing our fees and utilise customer comments to do so, having just recently taken £10 off our admin and cancellation fee based on your feedback.






  12. Hi Nicola,


    Thanks for posting, I was able to forward it to the Smartmiles team to have a look at. They wanted to call you and speak to you personally but couldn't reach you. We did leave a message though so you can give them a ring when convenient and hopefully we can arrange an amicable outcome.


    Kind regards,






    (edited for name typo)

  13. Hi,


    Thanks for your reply, I have received your emails and provided the Smartmiles team with them to look into for you. I hope we're able to reach an amicable resolution with you soon.





  14. Hi Cschrissie,


    Thanks for taking the time to post and share you and your daughter's experience. It's not completely clear from reading the conversation exactly what the circumstances are however. Could you provide the policy number or registration and also your daughters name & DoB on an email please? With this information I will be able to assist you further - you can send them to [email protected] and include reference to this CAG thread.


    Many thanks,



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