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Everything posted by pinkcob

  1. I don't get CB for my eldest at uni obviously and they have reduced it to 188 .40 even though my son in full time education, i have queried it before but they say it is correct. No we owe just three months outright..... but still owe the council 'some' of the two months approx £475. debts - unsecured - 40 k's worth to many many different people who basically we mostly don't pay anymore because there is just not the available funds... so end up with bailiffs who hen have to be paid to go away and then fail behind some more... viscous circle
  2. we have taken a means average of my husbands ages over a 16 week period to make a monthly figure, we sometimes get housing benefit at £40 pw and sometimes nothing if income goes over threshold... so don't know what to put for that so put an average of £120.. monthlys: all income wage £1412.20 working families £50.00 child benefit £188.40 child tax credit £632.16 Housing benefit £120.00 outgoings:(some include arrears or on meter) rent £795 council tax £124.77 (again some weeks less) water £55.00 Gas £94.50 Electric £112.50 tv licence £12 car insurance £80-79 school meals inc. son £225.00 cat £23-50 Food/housekeeping £465.00 birthdays/xmas £80.00 buses inc son £87.00 petrol £270.00 car service/repairs/mot £73.33 clothes/shoes £75.00 household essentials/repairs £30 health £16 Provident credit £90 son's train £47.25 Son's academy fee £35 phones/mobile £90.00 cigarettes £55.20 haven't done entertainment/holidaysschool trips or pocket money etc.... because we don't we owe 3 months rent. ''How much in total are your unsecured debts that you are currently paying - and how much are you paying on a monthly basis?''' - what is this???
  3. but the only duty they have apparently if intentionally homeless is to temporarily house us in B&B or something until WE find somewhere... so could be in B&B months as no one will take us I've enquired ith every local agent !!!! ... Have to collect children - will type up required info on return
  4. Didn't go well, council irritated, annoyed and unhelpful at this stage not on council housing list and they are also 'considering' homeless application, by the mood and questioning will class me as intentionally homeless... they said it didn't look good.. Does anyone know how long until they have to reply? They are looking into it and making investigations... Weren't interested in my mountain of debt... said I shouldn't pay bailiffs but what can you do when they will take car and then husband can't work at 3am?
  5. thank you ! off in a mo and will update later
  6. thank you for your reply,,, as you will see i ammended info above,,, rental period starts on 12th and rent payable on 12th so hence they state 11th to leave by, sorry i misread... the only difference i can see is notice says on or before 11th march and not after
  7. 1. sorry 12th of each month states first day of each rental period so 12th 3. the letter isn't dated at top of page in date space... it's dated at end on details above agents signiture 6th
  8. 1. monthly the first of each month 2.dated 6th jan requiring possession on 11th march no other dates 3. no date by agents signiture just letter dated 6th jan 4. was received as sign for letter persumably on the 7th but can't remember and no date on envelope
  9. so does that mean that despite being evicted , as it's a non fault possession not stating arrears that even though i have them they can't find me intentionally homeless... hope you got budget and can see pics
  10. how to i post on here... it asked for web url which it obvo doesnt have
  11. I haven't anything with what you ask / require on... it's just a simple one sheet piece of paper saying under section 21 (4) a they require posession
  12. Sorry per month.... Haven't included anything for daughter and yes will pm now
  13. will this help me at all that it's not intentional? I'm also taking my huge 40K pile of debts, bank statements... emails to landlords agent trying to reverse decision etc....
  14. calculator of Income and expediture (found excl document says I am £535 over / in red every week without ANY debt repayment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I have put silly figures like £30 per month for family of 5-6 clothes per month!! which is in now way accurate
  15. rang local court and no accelerated proceedures entered into yet as far as they can see and I have been issued with nothing.... still can't find this I&E form though : (
  16. it says section 21 (4) a?? so not sure what you mean?
  17. can't find this form? link any one?
  18. Meeting half two, just about to do income n expenditure as per form above thank you, am I allow to include payments to my 17 yo son for buses and dinners at college? We help my 18 yo daughter as grant hardly covers rent but suppose I can't list that? We have had some housing benefit periodiclydependingon husbands pay from 0 - 40 pw. Will check your other questions and replying a mo.
  19. Any advice to take to this meeting?
  20. Yes this is what I've been told! The thought of it!! We had got into slight arrears with current landlord but had increased payments to include arrears and everyone was happy but then in December and January my husband hardly had any work! He works for a driving agency (temping) and all of a sudden was only working 1 - 2 days per week, I informed landlords agent I expected difficulties but I was sure it was just short term and then received notice (21) we have tried to re-negotiate with them and let us stay.. I have emails etc.. To be honest it completely unaffordable in our current situation.but it was given as our only option... I am sure the council will say I have made myself intentionally homeless but is this the case in light of the above, our actions? And also in light that we are 40k in debt still, some debts spanning back 7 + years.. is this not proof of unaffordabilty and that it is not intentional we are just in this spiral of debt? My children are all in education, 18 yo uni, 17 yo college and two youngest at middle school, we are not a 'problem' family and have never been in trouble so to speak apart from money! I have spoken to shelter and they may see us if they can fund our application so just waiting but in the meantime meet with council today- I'm very scared.... and need to persuade them I'm not intentionally homeless
  21. Please could you help me... I am desperate for some advice.. We over 40 k in debt from past failed business, we got evicted from our last home due to rent arrears and and were rehomed by the council with a private landlord, they paid the deposit and 2 months rental advance... anyway my husband has subsequently been part time and we have never been able to save the money to go bankrupct so always have people at the door and to cut a long story short we are behind again and getting evicted again.... It's a viscous nightmare! So the council stands to loose their money I suspect, we can't get any where with our background at all and are still 40K in debt.. A lady at the council said they don't need to rehome us or get council housing as we have intentionally made ourselves homeless by being in arrears.. We have 4 children 18yrs, 17yrs, 11yrs and 10yrs.... do they HAVE to help us regardless? what on earth can we do?
  22. thank you all we have done a correct income& expenditure and there is a £45 pw deficit not £75 pm remaining : ( and that's without servicing any debt so can only see bankruptcy as the way forward, can't believe it's so expensive when very often the people who need it can't put food on the table it's ridiculous! And thanks for the shelter details but I've rang all these people and CAB etc and apart from advice there is little they can do for me.. apparently if you get the bankruptcy forms wrong you loose you're money... is that correct?
  23. Thank you x We lost our ow home years ago and are happy and settled here but can't blame the landlord, our one thought is if we got an IVA it might provide him with some reassurance we could get back on track and eventually clear arrears but I gather with bankruptcy our debt to landlord will also have to be declared so won't help at all! unless could he re-rent to us on higher terms? However I think they just want us out and try and sell it x
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