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  1. hi i also recieved a letter from mini credit saying there are sending debt collectors to me i started with a 150 loan they now want around 780 i have sent them this following email Quote We have no alternative but to escalate the matter. Our doorstep collection agent will visit you from 1st January 2012 to 8th January 2012. Please secure payment. Unquote To enable you to send a bailiff to my home you should in the first instance take me to court, win, get an order, I then have to break the order and then you can send a bailiff. I will not be bullied into making a payment to yourselves. I feel your charges are unjust, and am offering a repayment plan of £30 per month without interest or charges being added until account is cleared OR a full and final settlement of £200 - £50 more than I borrowed. I believe your letter is breaking OFT guidelines by the threat of sending someone to my home and demand payment, so a copy of this email will be sent to them. I am also formally requesting a full breakdown of the charges including full dates that interest was applied and at what interest rate on each date. I await your urgent response today. I have also contacted my solicitor and told him about the situation and he advised me that if this does go to court you have to justify all charges you have added on also any court will see the charges as simply disgusting and they will be wiped was this the right thing to do?
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