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Everything posted by Terri1987

  1. Sorry.. but if you know you can't pay them back why would you get a loan in the first place? Therefore effectively knowing you'll end up in debt? Can't you ask your family for a loan?
  2. Oh, right. So what do I say to Wonga in order to stop them attempting to take money, and for me to pay them myself via my bank? Obviously I don't want to default on the agreement, as it says if payment is declined its classed as a default and the agreement no longer stands.
  3. I have already organized for my wages to be paid into a different account, and set up my other direct debits (water, tv license etc) on the other account. I have no overdraft facility on the bank account they are taking payment from either, so all that will be available to them is the agreed amount. Does anyone have Next, isme and very's postal address where I can send the letters? I imagine very and isme are the same office? Its amazing what a difference a day makes. I feel so relieved and much happier today, like a weight has been lifted. I know I have a way to go, but knowing my payments should be affordable and that my wages can pay the rent is a relief. Why did this take me so long!? Many thanks again for the help so far x
  4. Well Wonga have been surprisingly helpful so far. They have agreed to freeze interest and charges on the amount effective immediately and have set up a 6 month repayment plan of 93 a month. I have emailed again to confirm that they will not attempt to take any more than this (any idea if they're likely to do so?) and to change the repayment dates as they fall before I get paid. Have written letters to the catalogues, do I NEED to include financial statements? I feel better already. Thank you for your fast reply Terri
  5. Its taken a while but i've finally taken my head out of the sand and realized I need to face up to the fact I can't keep living on credit. I currently have these unsecured debts Wonga - £560 Very - £745 Littlewoods - £398 Next - £860 Isme - £144 I'm currently managing to meet the minimum payments, but I am struggling to make ends meet. I pay off Wonga every month but this takes a massive chunk of my small wage (750 per month) and I re-apply so that I can pay the rent. I'm awaiting a pack from CCCS to enter into a DMP but was wondering a few things. - How likely is it that these companies will accept reduced offers and freeze interest if I try to settle the debt without entering a DMP? - Are they likely to try and contact me at work? - Any sample letters or words of advice if I try to go it alone? Or should I just use CCCS until the creditors have accepted the offers/frozen interest? The company which scares me most is Wonga as I imagine that they will just try and take the whole amount out of the bank on the due date, regardless of whether or not I come to an arrangement with them. (obviously doing this will leave me without money for bills and food) Many thanks in advance for your advice Terri
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