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  1. Hi everyone! I've been a victim of this [problem] myself, the usual story.... last year before my birthday they've called me that I won this competition, so I thought let me treat myself and stupidly paid the deposit. After reading online about them, I've been trying to get my £50 deposit back but no luck! It's been a year now they have my money! They insist I have to go and complete the session to get my money back, but I work 7days/week and don't have time for this nonsense! Anyway, I've managed to make some time, I'm going there in 2 weeks. I'm ready to waste their time and money and walk off with my deposit! I'll let you know how it goes... These guys are sneaky! Do not deal with them! Be aware, SAPPHIRE STUDIOS HAS CHANGED THEIR NAME TO ORCHID STUDIOS!!!! They're trying to trick more people! Please be aware: SAPPHIRE STUDIOS = ORCHID STUDIOS! Same location, same people, same scheme to rip off people!
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