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Posts posted by bhamdriver

  1. Hi everyone.

    We've had a motor trade policy for 5 years now. 10 days before renewal this year, the insurer flagged up 4 vehicles we've had for a while, and wanted proof of ownership and V5s.

    I neglected to send these when requested. Over the next few days, they started sending me emails regarding renewal, and that the policy will auto renew.

    The policy autorenewed, but I know they always want proof of trading (ie. recent invoices) and driving licences. I could see emails coming through, that we had X days to send these documents.


    In all this, I understood that the deadline for the documents for the renewal was 5pm on the 25th May. I sent the proofs of trading and driving licences, and said in my email "Here are the documents for renewal", and asked to confirm some details about cover. The lady answered my email, but didn't mention those previous proofs of OWNERSHIP of the other vehicles. I assumed those were for the past policy (same insurer).


    I carried on as normal, awaiting the insurance certificate. It never came, and the following Thursday 31st May (almost a week later) I called them at 4pm to chase it up. I was then informed that insurance had been cancelled due to not providing those proofs of ownership. I'd never gotten so much as a courtesy email informing me of this, and had been driving uninsured for a week.


    They said if I sent them, they would see about insuring me again. As it was late, they called me the following day (1st June) to say they could cover me, but that since it's a new month, the premium is now £450 more. They wouldn't budge. AND I now have a cancelled policy in my history, bumping up my premiums.


    Now my question is, all the policies so far were under our Ltd company which is being closed down. Obviously on the schedule of fact it was "Mr X and Miss X (XXX Ltd)" and the account payer for the insurance (on their docs) is "XXX Ltd". We are no longer trading under that Ltd company, we are now a partnership.


    So when we're asked have you ever had a policy cancelled, what do we say? Legally, if I say no, since the cancelled policy was under a Ltd company, am I covered? Thank you.

  2. It seems to me that your first priority is to get the car back.


    Read our customer services guide – implement the advice there and then call them on the telephone. See what they have to say and tell them that you are coming round and give a time and date.


    Go get the car. I suggest that you photograph it before you move it – exterior and interior.


    Once you have the car back in your possession then in order to get your money you may have to bring a small claim in the County Court. On the basis of what you say, you stand a good chance of success. But see about getting the car back first. Then come here.


    I'm assuming that they don't say that you owe them any money. Is that correct?


    Thank you for your reply. I have tried over and over to call them, but they aren't answering.

    Looks like we have to go down, photograph the car, check it mechanically to make sure there are no other faults, and take it.

    How feasible is it though that a backstreet garage will even respond to any County Court summons?

  3. Hi everyone!


    we bought an Audi A6 auto in September 2016 with a known gearbox problem.

    We found a gearbox on eBay (rare gbox code), and had it sent to us and fitted by our mechanic.

    It wasn't right and was leaking,

    the supplier took it back, repaired it, and sent it back out to us. It still wasn't right.


    Eventually the supplier said to send him the car (To Essex, we're in Birmingham) and he'd fix it free of charge.



    By this point we had paid him £1000 for the gearbox.

    He then said the ECU was a problem and to send him £350 to have the ECU repaired.



    He has now had the car since April 2017.

    I've called countless times, and when I eventually do get hold of him,

    he either says they're busy, or the latest one was that they've changed 3 gearboxes with no luck.



    I managed to get someone from a nearby garage to go and check that our car is still there.

    He said that it is, but that we should go get our car as it will just rot there.

    He said we're not the first to threaten the guy with legal or police action,

    and that no one has ever had any luck getting money out of this guy.


    Apart from our mechanics' labour, we're out £1350 to this guy.

    We obviously didn't know who we were dealing with initially.

    We have bought many gearboxes and engines from eBay and from breakers, and never had any issues.


    Paypal won't cover the money, as the transaction is over 180 days old.

    And it wasn't paid for by credit card,

    so I'm not sure what happens with indemnity.


    Do any of you have any experience with something like this?

    Is there any way of getting our money back?

    Thank you.

  4. Hi Daniella, thank you for your reply. We'd gone down to Somerset to collect the van, and we were told upon arrival (2hr trip) that the van was SORNed. We drove it back, and after our friend decided he didn't want to buy it, we were left to sell it on. It was a stupid mistake of us to leave it on the road untaxed, but it's still shocking to have 2 fines for the same incident.


    I presume we have no good reason for leaving it untaxed. I was hoping for a way around it.


    Thanks again for your reply!

  5. Hi everyone.

    I am a part time motor trader, and bought a van to sell to a friend.


    Said friend then decided he didn't want it, and I had to keep the van near my house.


    Now, I KNOW I am at fault, I parked the van on the road without it being taxed.

    Long story short, a neighbour reported us.


    At 5pm on the 17th December, I drove past and saw the van had been clamped, with a DVLA flyer on.

    The leaflet explained there was a £100 release fee, and I also had to produce a valid tax disk.

    The following morning at 9am, I taxed the vehicle, and paid a £100 release fee to have the clamp removed.


    Fast forward to earlier this week,

    I received a letter from the DVLA, stating that said van was seen and reported at 15.59 on 17/12/2013, as being kept on a road whilst unlicensed.

    "This remains an offence even if the vehicle is subsequently licensed.

    This is separate to the fees paid to the Agency's wheel-clamping contractors who clamped/impounded the vehicle."


    I now need to fill in a form giving information as to who was keeping the vehicle at the said time.

    "Failure to provide this information is an offence and a court may impose a maximum fine of £1000, if you do not supply the information requested."


    There is no indication on the letter as to how much the fine will be.

    There was no reference when the van was clamped, that the £100 release fee wasn't the end of the story.


    Apparently, the clamp wasn't the full punishment.


    I called 2 DVLA numbers, to be told that no one can explain anything about the situation to me, nor help me with my query whatsoever.

    "You have 2 options, pay the fine, or appeal."

    When I asked how much the fine would be, no one knew,

    and I just had the previous sentence repeated to me.


    Can someone explain my rights to me please?

    Or someone who has gone through this themselves.


    I was punished by the clamp.

    I paid £100 to have it released.

    How on Earth am I know being asked for more money?


    Thank you.

  6. Hi everyone, received a PCN last night on the 22/11/11, after parking in on street parking in Birmingham city centre. Last time I was in town which was about a month ago, parking was free after 6. So I parked up at 6pm and left. I returned at about 10pm to find I'd been issued a fine. It turns out the time limit has changed, and parking is now free only after 7.30pm. I was genuinely unaware. I know I should always check, but I never expected there would be a change so drastic after 5-6 years of parking in Bham city centre.

    Now, 1. the colour of my car (dark green) is noted on the PCN as "unclear".

    2. I had parked on the opposite side of the road to the P&D machine. Other than a sticker on the front of the machine indicating that new charging times were in force, there was nothing else anywhere to indicate this change.

    3. I am about to declare the car SORN in a few days.

    Is there any way around this fine?


    Now, due to work, etc, I kept postponing appealing, and paying. I thought I was still within my 14 days limit, but turns out that was on the 6th. So...I now owe the full £50 to Bham City Council.

    I attach a photo of my PCN, and hope that despite the fact that it's my fault I've lost the reduced rate, someone will help me out with this. We are planning to scrap the car, I am no longer using it, and will declare it SORN asap. Can I get out of this ticket? I was driving, but the car is registered in my father's name. I really don't want to lose £50.

    Many, many thanks.



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