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Everything posted by beccaboop

  1. Well done to you and your family. Absolutely decent people for what you have done for mandy, youd be surprise how many familys there are out there like mandys shame on them. Hope i helped a little bit as people like mandy have a special place in my heart for personal reasons. Hopefully your next post will be the happy ending ill look forward to reading. Merry xmas and all the best for next yr Only you know your limits and what your capable of doing!
  2. Yes she should be fine going on a bus especially since she hasnt had a seizure for a while. If she is anxious about it though or has never been on a bus before then probably best she dosnt do it alone. As far as im aware theres no law or anything saying epileptics cannot use public transport. Its all about individual risk assessments, types of seizures and the best plan of action to keep that person safe. I dont suppose you what type os seizures she used to have as there are many different types, some being more dangerous than others. However i dont know what your own situation is and if you are willing to support this lady for the long term on your own, thats your decision, but it will be hard and would ask you to try and get in touch with social services to get some support for her. Even if you help with her needs and they sort out a day center placement. Also is she capable of taking her medication properly and at the right times, just something to think about as the last thing anyone would want to happen is the seizure to start again.
  3. Hi, I'm guessing that once they have all the information, and have sorted it they will backdate your payments that you are entitled to
  4. I've jus had one of them visits, apparently they pick random pple to visit at home to make sure your living there part of fraud protecrtion, they came I had all the paperwork ready (bank statements, wage slips ets) filled in the form and left. Nothing to worry about hope this helps
  5. Hello, yes there is a law that would help you (safeguarding vulnerable geoups act 2006 this is an act wich sets out to protect all vulnerable adults from abuse and is what there ploicys and procedures should be based on. If you get nowhere with your complaint to the social landlord then to complain about them I would inform the care quality commission. These are really good at making sure standards are met and will even come out and do unexpected visits.hope this heplps
  6. Yes, to me she snds like she has a learning difficulty. Mandy also snds very independent I'm thinking some kind of floating support service would benefit her a lot and even a few days in a day center to meet friends and do activities. I'm a support worker myself I work in a supported living accomodation with three elderly gentlemen with learning difficulties. I have also done a floating support service for a 56 year old woman. It amazes me that she has never been diagnosed with this, but back in the day a lot of pple with this were more or likely thrown into institutions. I'm just guessing maybe her mum would have thought this to and tried to protect her. Hence why she has been so protected by her mother until now. I know social services snd scary but they her only way into any kind of support that is available for her. Either way she is a vulnerable adult and is extremely fortunate to have such good neighbours in you and your husband. However could you imagine the situation if she had befriended an unsavoury character. A floating support service would be somebody like me coming round every so often to help with makin doctors appointments, paying bills, help with financial matters, making sure she is ok and being a bit of company. Also if ahe has md I wonder how she is coping with her personal care. Social services will not move her or do anything that isn't in her best interest. Even if one day they thought something like that would be for the best they would still have to have what they call a best interest meeting wich would include close friends and family, herself (as she seems very capable in communicating what she wants) and any relevant health proffessionals. Also if you do decide to inform social services I would help her to make sure her savings are below £16000. Or she will have to pay for care. I am currently having this problem with one of the men I support. If it is more than 16 I would get her to spend it (will also help with benefits etc) even if she gets her home refurbished or buy items of gold to keep in a safe for a rainy day. Well done on your efforts to support this lady though and I hope one day she will be living a carefree and fulfilling life all the best
  7. Hiya jus reading this and felt really concerned. I don't know much about the benefits side of things, but it snds to me that mandy may have a learning difficulty. Has she ever been diagnosed with this and if so does she have a social worker. If she hasn't got a social worker I would get in touch with one as she may need some sort of care plan. Especially if she is not clued up on day to day life and is on her own. There are many options for her such as supported living accomadation, day centers, at home support. Also social services are very good when it comes to benefits and so on and would probably be able to sort it out for her. Its worth a try all the best x
  8. Hiya does this mean its been moved to another part of the site or removed thanx
  9. Hi, I'm a single mum and work part time. I claim about £35 a week housing benefit and about £4 a week council tax benefit. I was awarded this on the basis of my salary wich is about £435 every 4 weeks. However for the past nine months I have been doin sleep overs wich is a basic pay of £27 a night. This has bumped my monthly wages to about 5/6 hundred pound a month. I haven't declared this to the council and I have jus received a letter saying someone is coming to visit me to check my claim and would like to see my wage slips and bank statements. Now I am really worried that I will be prosecuted I have never lied but haven't told them about it. I know ill have to pay back anything I will owe them. Will I be prosecuted?? How will they deal with me??? Will I be expexted to pay everything back straightaway?? Is there anything I can do to help myself?? I'm really worried its not like I'm living a life of luxury just trying to keep me and my daughter comfortable
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