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Concerned boyfriend

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  1. Thanks for the reply. Feel calmer now. This particular firm seem to be very aggressive and if it wasn't for sites like this I would be very concerned with the language used in their letters.
  2. Bailiff back again today. Girlfriend at work, left a letter entitiled - NOTICE TO SEIZE GOODS It threatens attendence with removal porters, using a locksmith if we are not in and charmingly Application for your committal to prison. All unless account settled in 24 hours. Are these just empty threats?? They have no walking possession agreement if they return can I forceably remove them from the property as I strongly object to this aggressive action and bullying approach. Advice appreciated as I am furious with this approach
  3. Thanks for the replies. Will send the letter outlining charges immeadiately. And as I am now living with my girlfriend she cannot be classed as vulnerable as she is no longer a single parent.
  4. Hi Padja, thanks for the swift response. The debt is for unpaid council tax from this year. The bailiff claimed he has a walking possession but this is definitely not the case as they have not been into her house.
  5. Hi There, I am new here so please bear with me! I recently moved in with my Girlfriend who due to a lack of support from her ex husband is struggling under a mountain of debt both credit cards from the time they were together and council tax arrears. Today a bailiff has turned up on the doorstep demand full payment of an outstanding council tax debt. I knew about this but was very surprised as to how indiscrete the bailiff was. He offered no indentification and did not enquire as to who I was but handed me a removal notice and informed me that the opportunity to pay in installments has passed and my girlfriend needs to pay £570 immeadiately this is on top of the £1000 she paid in august for a debt of around £1300. Has the bailiff given my girlfriend grounds for complaint due to discussing her account with me? We are willing to settle the debt but would rather do so directly with the council and not incur further charges with this firm of bailiffs. My girlfriend is obviously angry and embarrassed about today and is willing to pay but with xmas right upon us would rather spread the payments. Many thanks Concerned boyfriend
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