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  1. Hi there. The payments were made by debit card payments on 01/04/11 and 06/07/11 respectively. I still have proof of these payments. I certified to both of the payday lenders involved that could debit £175 and £100 per month, as per agreement of which I aksed for them to provide in writing but they failed to deliver, until each of my balances with them were cleared. However they went ahead, with my knowledge (until it was too late) or authorisation, to debit £559 (by way of two debits made on 01/04/11 of £175 and £384) and £426.
  2. Please can someone advise how I can go about putting in a successful claim to get 2 CPAs back from the Lloyds TSB? During 2011 when these two payments were wrongly paid out to two payday loan lenders (£384 to Speed-e-loans.com, and £426.13 to 247 Moneybox.com (I had set up monthly instalment plans to pay off my balances due to each company)) I contacted the Lloyds TSB immediately with regards to getting my money back. They instructed me to get back in contact with the companies concerned but that was a waste of my time as the companies both stated that they were fully entitled to the money they collected via my debit card. I therefore got in contact with the Lloyds TSB to endeavour to get my money back but to no avail. I fought and fought this matter (I filed four separate complaints with the Head Office of the Lloyds TSB on this matter) but again to no avail. Latterly I took my case to the Financial Ombudsman on the grounds that I did not authorise these two transactions concerned, referring to regulations laid down to Banks by the Financial Servcies Authority that I should be entitled to an immediate refund of the transcations and any bank charges/interest accrued (of which there were many of totalling well in excess of £1000 as I could not get my head above water as time went by) but lost my case. I appealed their decision but again lost the appeal. I read on this forum that the FCA have instructed Banks to refund any CPAs that were cancelled and/or unauthorised from Nov. 2009 therefore I took my case again to the Lloyds TSB at the end of last week but again got absolutely nowhere. Therefore I would be very grateful of any help on this matter.
  3. Unfortunately at the first time of asking the Financial Ombudsman believed what 247Moneybox had to say on the concerns raised in my complaint by stating in their summing-up letter 'that as a result of me accepting an offer from the said company they deemed the case was be resolved'. Minor detail omitted though - there was no offer made by 247Moneybox so how could I have accepted an offer when one wasn't made. Therefore I have submitted a second complaint to the Financial Ombudsman regarding this matter and hope for a far more satisfactory resolution at the second time of asking as this case has dragged on far. far too long. I have also reported Lloyds TSB to the Ombudsman for their handling of and part in this matter. I made three separate complaints to Lloyds TSB, via their HO in Birmingham, regarding my concerns but they never accepted no responsibility whatsoever. Typical bank. All the very best with your complaint and hope you get what you deserve out of it by way of monetary compensation for the hassle and incompetence on behalf of 247Monebcox.
  4. No it wasn't them although I do know who you mean. I dealt with Payday UK a while ago but duly paid off my dues to them as per instalment plan set up with them. I have never therafter nor will ever deal that company again either.
  5. I know exactly where you are coming from with your case with 247 Moneybox. I took out a loan with them for £300 at the end of May 2011 which was due to be paid back on 29/06/11 at approximately £394.00. However due to my financial constraints during June I contacted them by email and by phone in order to set up an instalment plan (this was duly turned down). They stated that I should pay the rollover fee to buy time in order for the balance due to be finally paid at a later date. I cancelled my bank card of which they had my details of in order to stop any payments coming out of my bank account. On 30/06/11 I phoned the company to state I was not in a position to pay anything towards my balance and got downright cheek back. Later that day I phoned them back to set up an instalment plan. This was agreed to provided I gave them my new card details. I reluctantly gave in after three requests and set up the plan of £100 per month to commence on 07/07/11. (The only other company at this point to know my new card details were my employers). They tried on several occasions overnight on 30/06/11 to 01/07/11 to debit my account of which I was informed by my bank, Lloyds TSB, via their automated fraudulent transaction line by a company named as MEM Consumer Finance Ltd. I informed my bank that I did not make any of the transaction listed on their message. However on the morning of 03/07/11 I receive a message from 247 Moneybox thanking me for my payment of £426.13 sending me the said amount overdrawn!!! Due to this I have incurred well over £200 in bank charges and no help whatsoever from the Lloyds TSB in trying to resolve this matter. Reported the matter to the Financial Ombudsman but due to 247 Moneybox stating that they are an independent firm and do not operate as part of MEM Consumer Finance Ltd the case has been closed. I also reported the incidient to my local police force but they do not treat it as fraud nor deception so are not interested. Any further assistance on this long-drawned out matter would be very much appreciate.
  6. Do not ever deal with Speed-e-Loans. I took out a £300 loan with them in the month of March 2011 that was payable back at the end of the months when my next salary was due to be paid in. Due to financial constraints at the time I got in contact with Speed-e-Loans to tell them about my situation to set up an agreeable and affordable instalment plan. I spoke to one of their male advisors who stated that if I could not make the due repayment of over £425 or could not pay the deferral fee due interest would continue ton accrue. However he agreed to set up an instalment plan at £175 per month to pay off the balance of £559.00 due and that it would be provided to me in writing via email as I had requested (never did receive that email). The first instalment of £175 was duly debited from my account on the morning of the agreed first payment date. However on the afternoon of this date they cleared my bank account for the remaining £384.00 due to them. I duly phoned them in the first instance on that afternoon to find out what was going on and they said it was a management decision. Thereafter they continaully ignored my emails issued to them with a view to resolving this matter. Absolutely scandalous how companies like this are allowed to operate like this and they are certainly not alone. Wage Day Advance and 247 Moneybox are others to stay well clear of. 247 Moneybox operate under an alias of MEM Consumer Finance Ltd. when debiting your bank account:mad2:. This cost me to a tune of over £800 of which I have received no help from my bank nor the Financial Ombudsman in trying to resolve this matter due to this company'' clever deception and denying all knowledge of my case even though I have plenty of literal evidence to back up my case.
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