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Everything posted by flipperthedolfin

  1. You're very brave Conniff name calling on a website, wot a man you are.
  2. According to that then we shouldn't be allowed to attend a football match where 40,000 + regularly gather nor a wedding or pop concert or any other gathering with more than 10 people. All of those events can give the Police a cause to suspect a breach of the peace will ensue.
  3. When you register something with someone you hand over title ownership to that thing. When you register your car with the DVLA they then make you the registered KEEPER NOT the OWNER. By doing so you agree to their Statute laws ie you must tax MOT and insure the car and abide by their rules. By claiming back the ownership you are no longer required to abide by their corporation laws. The United Kingdom Corporation (yes it's a company) impose statutory laws upon all of us and we abide by them because we are wrongly lead to believe that we have to. I was stopped by the Policy Officers earlier this month and I refused to consent to their statutes eventually they left me with a verbal warning. If you don't claim your rights you have none. No doubt the idiots on here will be making derogatory remarks about me again. But I feel sorry for them that they know no better.
  4. So according to your logic prior to 1968 there was no such thing as theft. Also according to your logic the house which you buy does not belong to you because you handed over some pieces of paper with a picture of the queen on. Now who's talking rubbish? If you read the post correctly you would see that I didn't accuse the DVLA of theft I said the Police stole it. Have a nice day.
  5. You are obviously not interested in a civilized discussion on matters so I will bid you a fond farewell and hope you get well soon.
  6. No it's the government that owns her or the United Kingdom Corporation to give it it's proper name. That happened when she like you was registered at birth.
  7. So if someone takes property that belongs to you without your consent is that called theft? If that person then tells you that they will return your property on payment of a sum of money is that not extortion? Is the sum of money not ransom?
  8. I notice that all you can do is hurl insults at make assumptions but none of you are prepared to put your reasons as to why. The reason for posting this was to make people aware and to read other peoples views not to read insults. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
  9. How many of you OWN your motor car? Take a look at your V5 document and on the front you will see in the blue strip near the top THIS IS NOT PROOF OF OWNERSHIP it shows who is responsible for registering and taxing the vehicle. Write or contact the DVLA and ask them who owns your car and they will not answer, the reason being that once you register your car with them they take the ownership from you hence the V5 states You are the registered keeper. I wrote to the DVLA and sent them a Notice of Understanding and Intention to Claim of Right in September this year. I was claiming back my right of ownership of my car. I gave them 14 days in which to disagree with my terms and they failed to respond. I then sent them a Notice of Non Response and Irrevocable Lawful Estoppel by Acquiescence which means because they failed to respond with any counterclaims they are deemed to have accepted my terms by acquiescence. All of this is a perfectly lawful contract. I also notified the Transport secretary Philip Hammond of my intentions and he also did not respond. This means that my car was no longer registered with the DVLA and was my own private and personal property. By law I like all of us have the right to travel freely on the land without levy or penalty being imposed on me. This is a little known fact one which the government would like to remain so (the government DO NOT own the roads they are merely acting as guardians for what belongs to all of us). On Saturday my private conveyance was stolen (taken without my consent) by a tow truck driver operating under the request of two policy officers. The officers therefore were aiding and abetting to an Unlawful act. My conveyance was returned to me on the payment of £150 ransom (the police will call it a release fee although it's also extortion). I know there will be those of you reading this who will say that they had the right to seize my car, but you unfortunately like the majority of the public need to understand the difference between Common Law and Statutory Law or Corporation Law. We are subject to the law of the land (Common Law) and Statutory Law requires consent. If you fail to consent to a statutory law then that law has no bearing on you. My conveyance was not registered with DVLA and therefore they have no jurisdiction over what I do with it nor how I use it. If you register something with a corporation then another corporation tells you that you have to obey their rules even though you have no contract with them would you? (If Sky sent you a bill for sky tv and you didn't have a contract with them you would refuse to pay them). Remember To travel is a right not a privilege and by attaching a levy to it you are taking away the right. Don't allow the corporations including government to take away your rights. A man who does not lay claim to his rights has none.
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