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Everything posted by aim7811

  1. Thank you for the reply I have emailed my agency several times for consideration of Termination. However, the reply I recive is always the same. "No termination can be arranged if no replacement is found, period" I am now running out of hope. I guess I have to find a replacement. But another problem has risen... There has been 3 flat views, after seeing the flat everyone was quite interested. However, when I tell them that the agency for this flat is XXX than they all tell me how bad that agency is ... and they just end the conversation. I am feeling I might not get anyone for this flat.. I was so stupid to take this place in the first place. Thank you for replying
  2. Hi Thank you for the post Currently my rent is 625 p/m. I have asked the agency for contact number of LL but they said they(agency) are responsible for everything and I am not allowed to speak to the LL Is this legal? Anyway thank you for your concerns.
  3. Hi I hope I can get some answers from here ( I live in Scotland I heard that the laws are different from England) Here is my status. I have been living in this flat for 17 month -First lease contract was from 20th May 2010 and ended on 20th April 2011 (12 month) -Second and current contract started from 20th May 2011 and it's end date is 20th Aug 2012 (15 month) Recently I am having a bit of trouble with my finance and it seems I won't be able to pay the rent. So I am sending my family back to my home country and for myself I will be moving to a freinds house for the remainder of my PhD course(9month left). However, I have asked my agency about the early termination of my current lease. The only answer I got from them is that I NEED to find a replacing tenant if I were tobe released from my contract. I am willing to surrender my deposit(which is 1200 pounds). Is ther any other way to terminate the lease than replacing a new tenant to my contract? I have heard that in Assured shortterm tenanicy after living in the flat for 6 month the tenants just needs to notify(one or two month prior) the landlord of early termination. However because this is just the words from mouth to mouth I am not certin about this. Is there any written atatement that backs up this? If there is could you tell me where I can see this statement (or law) Thank you
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