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Sub Sub Sub Sub

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  1. So how can i report this company? They have been ringing at work and I even have a letter saying they can directly take money from my wages. If this against the law then i want to report them. It is unfair how these bullies can get away with trying to frighten people.
  2. I will tell you my story very quickly, Im 33 and have worked in the building trade all my life and until about 5 years ago was earning good money. I had a wife, kids, mortgage etc and then i got a divorce but kept the house on my own then lost my job. I have since got another job but it pays much less. Over time in order to pay the bills, i got credit cards and loans and struggled to pay them and i have one charging order against my house. My council tax and water and gas electric has gone up and up and im now on monthly pay. I got a few payday loans - quick quid, pay day advance, wonga etc. I never paid em back and to be fair they havent really hassled me. There has been times i have considered just topping myself but got through those days so. I almost had my house repossed but got a mortgage plan. So when i get threats from loan companies etc it's water off a ducks back. Anyway last month, i was desperate for coin to pay my child maintainance, i ended up loaning 400 off cheque centre in the high street. When it came to the first payday, i just couldnt repay them so i cancelled my card and they never got the total of 490. I had been off work sick with depression and there just wasn't the funds. It was either pay my mortgage, gas and electric etc or pay Chequ Centre. Since then they have hammered me, my mother and work with phone calls. Out of every single organisation i have dealt with I have never come across such a intimidating and threating company - they reckon its within the law to phone me and my mother and work SIX times a day, and one of their bully boy representatives reckons that because even though i took the payday loan out in England - they are a Scottish company and Scottish law allows them to contact my employer and take money from my wages. IS THIS ALLOWED? I aren't that bothered - cos I will just quit work if that happens but I would like to know the law/or would like to know or a charity or organisation that can fight this. Can anybody help? Cheers
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