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Everything posted by AdrianMurphy

  1. Having said the above, in all fairness, those links are really good
  2. I was just trying to help. Site Team are aware - what nonsense. I mentioned OFT as well (since someone offered me that sound advice on my post about a company in the same business). So I mention the OFT I am a troll, you mention it and you are ....??? It's a forum for helping people.
  3. Gabi - I've had the same. I've decided on the legal route. If I seen a letter like the one sent to you, I'd be pushing the solicitors to inform the companies directors and the OFT.
  4. Going through something similar myself. I cashed a HMRC cheque that bounced. HMRC have re-issued the cheque. Got a couple of unsavoury calls from the company in question - not happy with the content from either. I instructed my solicitors yesterday and they have written to them. I am now hoping that the company in question starts acting professionally but if not, I'll be holding them to account.
  5. I know.... I've learnt a real lesson over these last few weeks. Truth has it, I am upset about this but I am going to hit back hard and I am going to share it here. I've been helped lots (I've been very naive - with MS) but I will return the help.
  6. Those director details are good Elsa. I am going to hit them all tomorrow. A million thanks.
  7. Indeed. I know, ex-director. The partner is now the MD. But parking that... This Money Shop thing is appalling. Who else are they doing this too because it needs to be stopped! The calls I've had are terrible. I don't think they are legal. Something has to be done about it. Surely ...
  8. Nice Elsa -- just noticed --, I'll take that address and write in plus hit them with the solicitors there too. I'll do this tomorrow and again share.
  9. Remarkable isn't it? But --- did you notice the "uncapped" salary / commission (need to check, sure you will ) bit for debt collector agents ?? Unsavoury bunch .... And my ill feeling is when you ask to complain they say write in and (get this) we "may" give you the details "on this call, it depends". Well, they do now have an unsavoury customer who's rather ****ed off. They told me I couldn't contact their directors. I wonder if they want to bet their commissions on that?
  10. Thx We've had another communication this evening. They tell me (despite the faxed communication) that they have nothing from our solicitors and that their FAX number on their letter headed paper is not the right number. It's another number, so we've taken that and passed it onto to the solicitors to chase. BTW - I was informed, I can complain in writing but the debt collection doesn't stop - regardless. I told them that this would be both unwise and unsafe. They need to follow the solicitors instructions. Personally I think I'll get another call next week. My feeling is that it will lead to another response from the solicitors. But the thing is, if pushed then I am going to take them out. I am now prepared to use solicitors are all costs - because they need to be stopped. I'll publish everything here. MONEY SHOP bring it on. Let's see what you are made of.
  11. Here's the draft from the solicitors. I've left the typo's in and just done a straight copy and paste from their Word document. It's due to be faxed around about now. Perhaps good to share so people see what I've had to send over to this company. I've removed my details just as they are a bit private Our Ref[REMOVED] Your Ref [REMOVED] Date 23rd September 2011 Collections Department The Money Shop PO Box 8850 Nottingham NG8 9BW By Post and Fax: 0115 934 7444 Dear Sirs Re: [REMOVED] We write in relation to our above named client. Mr [REMOVED] has instructed us that you are pursuing him for an unpaid cheque drawn on HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) Our client has instructed us that on receipt of your letter dated 2nd September 2011 he immediately contacted the HMRC to clarify the position. They apologised for the error and have proceeded to re-issue a cheque. Our client fully advised you of the situation thereafter. On Friday 16th September our client instructed us that he received an unsavoury telephone from yourselves, stating that you were investigating him for fraud and criminal activity. Our client spent approximately 45 minutes on the phone with one of your employees where he was accused of ‘acting with intent’ and brandished ‘a liar’’. Your employee refused to accept our client’s account that he immediately contacted the HMRC. Our client has subsequently received another call this morning of the same nature. The fact that the HMRC cheque was unpaid is a matter beyond our client’s control. He has by no means acted fraudulently and he has kept your fully abreast of the situation. Our client submits that the tone of your telephone calls amounts to harassment. Harassment is defined under Section 1 Harrassment Act 1997 and states; E+W (1)A person must not pursue a course of conduct— (a)which amounts to harassment of another, and (b)which he knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other. (2)For the purposes of this section, the person whose course of conduct is in question ought to know that it amounts to harassment of another if a reasonable person in possession of the same information would think the course of conduct amounted to harassment of the other. Our client has instructed us that he has today received the cheque from HMRC. We enclose a copy of the letter from the HMRC. Our client will proceed to lodge the same with his bank and thereafter shall make payment to you by electronic transfer. Please provide your bank details in order that he can make payment of the same. Please refrain from future conduct which would amount to harassment of our client. Yours faithfully [REMOVED]
  12. Another call from MoneyShop today - extremely abusive, threats of criminal investigation, called a liar again (as they are dealing with facts - what I say is apparently not facts) and also had the cheek to bring in my employers and my association with the owner of the company that I work for (she's my partner). I said I wanted to make a complaint. Apparently you can but only in writing and they will "get back to you". Got the call around 9:30am - still no cheque from HMRC. Call lasted about 10 minutes. Now have the cheque in my hands as the post man has been Not acceptable. This is a true bunch of unprofessional scare mongers. I feel real sorry for anyone else who's had to deal with this company. Decided enough is enough. Contacted my solicitors and they are now going to write to them today. I'll post the letter to Money Shop on here later when I have it in my hands. I am not accepting anymore calls from them, they write only. I'll now also go after the call transcripts and if there is a case, I'll push, push, push. What's funny is I was trying to pay them right throughout the call but still they wanted to put me in my place - the [edit] I am.
  13. Yeap - you are both right. I think I got suckered into the big conversation because I was so shocked by the call and felt I had to defend my position. The gentlemen made clear he thought I was a liar etc ... although towards the end of the call he accused me of being irate and that he was just doing his job. But accusing someone of fraud is a big thing and in my mind, unsafe if not absolutely justified. But in reflection, the "we are investigating you for a criminal activity" bit really doesn't wash and I should have just laughed and put the phone down. I didn't because I was taking the matter very seriously. As soon as I got the "cheque has bounced" letter from the MoneyShop I called HMRC and asked "what's going on guys - this cheque has bounced?" and then called the Money Shop immediately afterwards updating them. I even apologised to them on that call and assured them that the matter will be sorted and that I'd chase HMRC weekly - which I have. The key thing is, all of this is on my home phone records and all calls to the HMRC are recorded. I've nothing to hide, so now - having slept on it - quite chilled. See again, justifying myself - I need to stop doing this Anyhow, come Monday I am going to contact their Customer Services team and make a formal complaint. I am going to demand a full apology! Let's see if they provide me with one. If they decide not then I can see this turning quite nasty. Thanks for the help.
  14. Thanks dx. Fully understand that Money Shop want their money and I'll be paying them as soon as I can (either from the replacement HMRC cheque or my first pay packet when I return to work in October). The problem for me is yesterdays call from their debt collection team. Given that I've responded immediately on sight of a letter from the Money Shop telling me that the cheque has been returned - calling them and the HMRC. The call yesterday was just not acceptable. I was accused of dishonesty and continuously threatened. I seriously regret now not putting the cheque in the bank and waiting a few extra days (albeit it would of bounced but I wouldn't be getting the calls or have this situation). Money Shop told me they have recorded the 40 minute call yesterday. I asked for the call reference details but the gentlemen did not want to provide those. Perhaps it could be because he spent the first 30 minutes kicking me around like a football and then in the last 10 minutes, I lost it a little and came back at him, making it clear the amount would be settled in full but I want a copy of the call. I am going to fire off a request for the call today (DPA) and when I get it, review it back and if there are sufficient grounds (and I think there are), drop it off at the solicitors to see what the options are. Great customer experience from the Money Shop. I think I use them again in the future - NOT.
  15. Folks - this is a request for real help. It's a long one but genuine, and we can't stress how much we appreciate your help as a community. Headline is that we cashed a cheque from the HMRC at MoneyShop and it bounced (you'd never expect this surely - it's the government). Since then the MoneyShop have contacted me advising that they are considering a "criminal investigation". I am absolutely fighting back. Being a dad of very young children, "criminal investigation" are big words. I was and still am in absolute shock. Basically the HMRC owed me an overpayment of £1,000 and we claimed for this back in May 2011. HMRC admittedly are not the most effective of organisations. Back in early June I moved address, so advised HMRC to send the cheque out to the new address. Approx early July there was no refund so I contacted HMRC that there was no sign of the cheque so they re-issue the cheque to the new address. In late July a cheque was sent to our new address but we didn't see it as one of our children (2 years old) took the letter to her room (as she does now and again) and stored it there. Mum cleaned the room and found the cheque - thoughts were "Wow the Inland Revenue have sent the cheque - finally, as we need it". Desperate for the cash, we decided to pay the (approx) £70 charge to have the cheque cashed at Moneyshop rather than at the bank (as it was at least a 5 day wait - as the weekend was due). Thanks for still reading... About 2 weeks before I contacted the IR and told them I hadn't had the cheque and needed it re-issued to my new address. A couple of weeks later a cheque arrived at the new address (although delayed, as one of the kids opened the letter, drawn a little pen effects on it and hide it under her bed - but the cheque was still good and - more importantly - good for presenting to our bank). So cashed the cheque at MoneyShop but it turns out the cheque was cancelled (from our call stating we had not rec'd the cheque). So the cheque at MS bounced. We got a letter from the MoneyShop stating so (complete shock) and acted immediately; calling both the HMRC and the MoneyShop explaining the situation in full and assuring (MS) that we'd pay them immediately as the cheque arrived (it's their money after all). Turns out that the HMRC cheque will take a few more weeks to come through. But I've had MS call me today and accuse me of pure theft and that they are proceeding with a "criminal investigation". I was almost in tears and spent 40 minutes fully explaining what happened (all though this was previously explained to MS). The HMRC have advised that a re-issued cheque would reach us next week. From the minute that I rec'd a letter from MS telling me that the cheque had bounced I got onto HMRC and have since chased aggressively. I've tried my best. I am out of work at the moment (for a period of 4 weeks) and can't afford to pay MS £1,000 back again immediately. But, here's the crunch. I do start a £120,000 (which is normal) next week (I've been out of work due to being ill). They assume in all cases that those who bounce cheques are thieves and the attitude is appalling. I needed money, and went to MoneyShop rather than waiting 5 days (as it was a w/e). Is this sinful? I can't help but think that this company has a bullish attitude and that they try to force those in awkward positions with them to submit or else. If so, it has to be stopped. It's disgusting.
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