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Posts posted by Luul82

  1. Hi Fkofilee,


    Here is the draft copy of my email, to H&M


    Dear Sir/Madam,


    I am emailing you in regards to a debt I incurred, with a monthly payment H&M account which was open in 2011;

    the account went in to default in April 2013.


    The outstanding debt is £120.00.

    I am only prepared to make the full and final payment of the outstanding amount, on the condition that H&M removes the default marker off my credit report; I want this condition to be verified by written communication.


    I would be grateful if you would please, forward my email to the relevant department or person.

    I expect a written response from you, within the next 14 working days.


    Yours sincerely

  2. Hello,


    I signed up for a noddle credit report,

    I have one default maker on my report.


    I had an H&M credit account which I stupidly defaulted on,

    the amount is £120.00 and the default date is 11/04/2013;

    it’s been sold to Arvato Financial Solutions.


    I do want to pay the debt off in full but I really don’t want to pay it to Arvato Financial Solutions.


    I was going to write or email H&M and ask them to buy the debt back off Arvato Financial Solutions, so I can pay them (H&M) directly.


    I will also inform H&M that full payment will be made on the condition, that H&M promise in writing to remove the default marker off my credit report.


    I just wanted to ask, if this is a correct way to resolve this debt.

    If not I would be extremely grateful for any advice.


    Many thanks


    Ps: I know this forum is fantastic and has helped thousands of people, so I made a tiny donation to show my appreciation.

  3. Hello,


    Advice needed,


    I emailed 1st Credit Lt on Saturday to ask them, whether they have bought the debt from Shop direct Ltd or working on behalf of Shop Direct Ltd. I also informed them that; I would be sending them a letter and a request for a CCA (which I did yesterday)


    I just received an email from 1st credit Ltd, saying "To enable us to communicate with you via email, we would appreciate it if you could confirm the following information with us:


    > * Full Name

    > * 1st Credit Ltd reference number

    > * Date of Birth

    > * Postal Address

    > * Authorised email address

    > * Contact telephone number"


    My question is: Do I provide with the above? or should I just wait for a response to my letter?


    Thank you

  4. Thank you MIKE770 for your reply, I'm grateful for it.


    Should I write to Very or 1st Credit, offering them a payment plan?


    I opened the Very account on 2011 and I have incurred many charges,

    for example in April 2014 Debt collection letter fee £12.00 ,

    Account interest £13.48, Missed minimum payment fee £12 = £37.48.


    I was not aware these were recoverable,



    I will need to obtain my statements from 2011-2013 as I only have 2014 statements.



    Is a template of the spreadsheet available on this forum?


    Many thanks

  5. Hello


    I have a very account, due to financial difficulties I fall behind on the payments and then stopped making payments ( I know, not smart)


    I have decided that its time to face my debt and I can see the debt on my credit report as "default". I don't want this effecting my credit rating


    I want to pay the debt of £382 (with a reasonable price plan £10.00 per month). I recently received a call from First Credit Ltd, I told them that I won't speak to them via phone only via written correspondence. I believe I will start receiving their letters very soon. :evil:


    I have logged on to my Very account today and its still active and still asking for payment. My question is, Could I arrange a payment plan with the originally creditor (Very) at this stage? If I make £10 monthly payments via my Very on line account, will it go towards my very account? or be refused?


    I really don't want to deal with the credit agency/collectors, I rather pay the company I owe the money to directly (If I can)


    Thank you in advance

  6. old and knew thread smerged



    did you send the SAR to barclays



    how much of this is PENALTY charges?



    and no you dont have to provide anything via email



    if you think the debt is SB'd then send the SB letter by post






    Thank you for your quick reply.


    I completely forgot that Barclay's took part of my backdated DLA, ( a lot has happened in my life, family illness, dad got hit by a car, my dad having 3 strokes, I started having other health issues) but it yes it was for my over draft. So I don't get what Barclay's wants from me but I do know 6 years have passed.


    I did send a SAR but after a 7 weeks of waiting, I only received my postal order back. Then other stuff happened in my life and I had to focus on those issues, instead on this whole Barclays issue.


    I will post a SBD letter to Mckenzie Hall as I have with Cabot.


    Thank you

  7. Hi everyone,


    I was wondering if any one could please, help me with my question?


    In June 2007 I owed Barclay's Bank £1800,

    ( regret getting or over using my student overdraft),

    I never contacted Barclay's about the debt.

    I did a credit check in December 2008 and the debt showed up in my credit report.


    In June 2008 the debt got sold/ passed to Cabot,

    I choose to ignore their letters and phone calls.

    I never arranged any type of payment plan with neither Barclay's or Cabot,

    I just ignored them ( I know it was not a smart thing to do but I was a teenager and at the time I did not care)


    Last week I received a letter from Mackenzie hall,

    who said that Cabot passed them my debt as no payment plan was arranged.



    It was 6 years in June, so I decided to check my credit reported and the Barclay's Bank £1800 debt is no longer on my credit report.



    Last Thursday I emailed and wrote a Statute Barred Debt letter to Mackenzie hall & Cabot.


    I received a email response from Cabot saying the following



    " Dear Miss XXXX


    Thank you for your recent email.


    The security of your information is our priority;

    it is important that your email account is kept secure and does not become known to someone else.

    If this is a shared mailbox, is not your personal email or you do not wish to have your details disclosed

    by email please notify us and we will use an alternative contact method.


    We are unable to provide any information by email without undertaking some security checks

    so we can ensure we have the correct person.


    Before responding to this email, we must stress that by completing the details below,

    you consent for us to use this email address for communication,

    which may contain information that is personal to you.


    Please reply to this email with the following information: (this must be completed in full)


    o Are you the only person who can access this mailbox?

    o Full Name

    o Date of Birth

    o Full Address including Postal Code

    Further information which would assist to appropriately deal with your enquiry:

    o Home/Business or Mobile Telephone Number

    o Cabot reference number


    Important: When communicating by email, please remember that it may be ‘insecure’.

    We would urge you to consider the personal information that you include and we will do the same.

    If at any time, you no longer wish for your personal information to be communicated by email,

    or you no longer have access to the mailbox provided, please notify us immediately.

    We look forward to hearing from you shortly. "


    I also received a similar response via email, from Mackenzie Hall yesterday. saying the following.

    " Dear ....

    Reference: xxxxxxxxx

    Thank you for your recent correspondence.

    To allow us to provide further information and ensure we comply with the Data Protection Act 1998

    before responding to your query via email we require that you confirm the following

    Date of Birth

    Please also confirm that you are happy for us to send account related information to the email address supplied.

    Once we have received this information we will then be able to advise on any information required.

    If you have any questions please do not hesitate to respond by email.

    Alternatively please telephone our offices on xxxxxxxxxx where an agent will be able to assist you

    Yours sincerely"


    My question is,

    Do I legally have to provide them the personal details they are asking for? or not?

    As I have not responded back yet, as I'm being cautious and I don't want them having my phone numbers.


    your help or advice would be gratefully appreciated. :-D

    Thank you in advance :wink:

  8. Hello everyone. I’m new here I registered a few weeks ago and I think this website is great and you all are so very helpful.


    I need advice in regards to an old matter with Barclays Bank which isn’t so old anymore, so please excuse the long back ground story.


    In 2005 September I started university and Barclays changed my current account to a student account, I was given a £500 overdraft.


    I remember telling the branch manger who I was dealing with that each time I get my student loan and grant

    that I want them to take what I owe them

    (for example if I have used £200 in my over draft then I would like them to take that from my grant/loan when it arrives in my account)


    I also specifically told them to only take what I owed them from my student grant and loan

    but not from any other money which comes into my account,


    the manager said that she will note that in the system,foolish of me I didn’t get anything in writing.


    The 1st year I didn’t have no problems I hardly used my overdraft and if I use it the most was £200.


    my 2nd university year came up and all seemed well with Barclays untilI received a statement

    which showed that my overdraft limit was increased by £500 which made my overall over draft £1000.


    I instantly went to my local branch and told them to put my limit back down to £500 pounds

    as I didn’t need an over limit of that quantity,

    they refused and told me that each year my limit will be increased by £500


    I opposed that and told them that if I didn’t need it there was no need for them to keep increasing

    the limit of my over draft but they didn’t listen to me.


    One academic year I had bought many books and a new laptop

    so for the following months I was broke so I was living off my over draft

    (I know really silly huh? and now as an adult I wish I didn’t)


    I spent in total £677.00 so when I got my grant three months later Barclays took what owed.


    Each time I used my over draft I would pay it back,

    I started getting sick of it so I asked the bank to reduce my limit

    and their reply was the same as the before!

    I got in to a large cycle with Barclays.


    I was born with a disability so in December 2006 I decided that

    I would apply for DLA after a long wait and battle with the DWP I was awarded my claim in September2007.


    (£2,200.00) and Barclays took £1200 of that.


    I was livid and went to the bank to ask them why did they take my money,


    yes I did owe them money but I made it clear to them to only take money from my student grant

    and loan but they denied that I ever said that.


    I explained to them that the money they took was my DLA backdated

    which I was waiting for almost a year but they didn’t care.


    Then I told them I only owed the £800 so why did the take £1200

    the man told me it was for interest on my overdraft which I didn’t believe as I was never told about interest before,


    I yelled and I complained but nothing was ever done , I went to the counter and took out the rest of my money;

    I left that Barclays account in £3.00 credit.


    2 days later I opened a new account with another bank and I put the remanding of my money in to my new account

    and the rest of my student loans went straight into their as well.

    Fast forward to summer of 2011 July.

    A letter comes to my mothers home addressed to me which I go and collect,

    my mouth dropped when I read the letter; it was Barclays saying I owed them £1800 and I defaulted my account on 2008!


    At the time I thought I was having a bad dream because all that was in my head was I left that account in credit 2007

    and I didn’t hear anything from them all thosey ears until this year,

    so I thought when I get home I will call them because after the money they took off me they were lucky that I left their account in credit

    and now they after me for an amount of almost £2000?


    I called and asked them to send me written proof that I owe this debt as I wont be talking over the phone about this matter, they said the would.


    Four days on - a letter from Hampton Legal treating me with legal action.


    I know I have left it a little late but I have been going through a lot in the last 4 years and Barclays weren’t on my mind until I received their letter July,

    now I’m ready for a battle with this bank.


    My questions are



    1) What do I do now? in regards to this old account and thid debt which i don't owe?


    2) Did Barclays have a legal right to take myDLA backdate?


    Thank you and I am so sorry for the elongated post,

    I thought detail would be helpful for others to instruct me about this matter.


    Thanks in advance

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