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Everything posted by cagjohn

  1. tom, brassneck and all. thanks for your help. I sent a couple of emails which came back with cleverly worded replys about how I need to pay sooner rather than later and the usual stuff you would expect from a slightly dubious company. I sent a recorded post letter explaning that I have no knowledge of the ticket and requesting details, this was sent on the 10th. I had no reply, but have had another visit with an even bigger bill for £500+ which I have no idea how it could be so much! At this point in time, I have no idea what car or where or anything really and dont even know about the court details. Is it worth speaking to the council as I dont think bristow will go out of their way to help?
  2. I spoke to someone who was helpful at first and told me that it is in fact a parking fine but couldnt tell me where or when etc. As soon as i said thta this wasnt right and i at least wanted some proof before i hand over money, they got nasty and said that the police would come along with a locksmith and take my things. Basically they wanted me to setup a direct debit. So I have sent a bout 3 or 4 emails this week and finally received a reply this morning... There is a lot of timelimits on there and a lot of information that I think should be taken with a pinch of salt. At this moment, I can honestly say that I have no idea if the county court order was three days or three months ago. What is the next step? Write to the council? Is there a way to put these people on hold as they seem to think burglary is legal.
  3. assuming that being an unorganised and depressed idiot isnt a good reason then no i dont really have one. but i have been working away and have some receipts for hotels in london and belfast so dont know it that will help.
  4. sorry, i didnt understand. i didnt see court papers until this week. i have a cheque that he paid me and i gave him an invoice for the deposit. i wasnt employed but self employed and i even regsitered for stamp to keep it all above board. does that make more sense tom? as the court is in his favour, i think that they must agree. i also know that his missus is quite clued up and so she probably knew what to do and say.
  5. thanks for the number. i know its not always recommended to speak but at the end of the day, they are just doing their jobs like any of us. should i call to confirm what the debt is for and then ask for them to cease action and put it into writing as i think anyone could go around asking for money and they should have some way to prove there is a judegment?
  6. I havent seen any papers but being honest here this may be down to me i really cant say 100% and not sure what to do now.
  7. yes you are right, dont leave windows open which isnt hard with the british summer hehe how do i find out if they have a judgement? I was going to phone them but it is a premium rate number and i only have a top up mobile. I was going to send a letter but I dont know what to put as Im not really sure what I owe and why?
  8. I have a claim form from capital one and bryan carter. they want me to repay £955 + costs of £65 and £80. When I lost my job, I sent them a letter from a website explaining my predicament and asking for time to pay only £1 per month but so much for ebing up front they just kept on phoning me day and night until my phone got cut off. The claim is dated 29th July and I think that I have ran out of time to respond? Is there anything I can do or is it too late and I have screwed up?
  9. I have receive a demand for £250 + costs of £48. To cut a long story short I lost my job at the start of this year and picked up some part time work. I am/was a graphic designer and the guy paid me to work on a brochure. The guy was going to pay me £1000 in total which sounds like a lot (and it is to me) but it is about 3 weeks work but i was glad of the money. The guy paid me this £250 in advance and I started the job with some files. But the job fell through and the guy asked for his money back even though i have already done about 4 days work and it wasnt my fault the job fell through. I said that I didnt have it at first but when he got nasty I offered to pay back in drips and drabs. I dont have the original court documents but to be honest since I lost my job I have had some money troubles that were already bad before and I did throw away some envelopes as I was feeling down and couldnt face it. I know you are all reading this thinking im an idiot and i know know but cant change this now. Until this court document came through I had heard nothing but now I need to find even more money and I dont think this is fair and is a real kick in the teeth right now. I heard about the law being strict, and the judgement is against Jonny Smith not my real name of John Smith. (smith isnt my real name but i think you get the point). Am I grasping at straws or do you think that I should just find the money from somewhere and pay it?
  10. Hello, I am new to this site and have been told about it by a freind, I really appreciate it if you can help here please. I have come home today to find a letter from bristow & sutor, they want over £300 from me including a £56 charge for their visit. It is from the city of worcester and as i pay my council tax to dudley and after reading this site I dont think that it can be todo with council tax as I havent lived in worcestershire since council tax was poll tax! but i have seen on google that it may be parking fine. My wife was out and the letter was half sticking out of the postbox in the front door, but our neighbor says that this strange man in a mondeo was trying to break in to the back gate and side door so its really creepy. Does anyone know what I should do? I dont really have £300 spare (does anyone) but I really dont want my wife getting scared at home when Im out or anything like that.
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