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  1. Hi I hope this is in the right place! My husband accidentally reversed into a Royal Mail van and bumped the van's licence plate. There was a witness and details were exchanged. The damage was a tiny dent in the licence plate. The Royal Mail van man said he had to take it to his authorities when my husband said he would give him £20 for the plate. A few weeks later we get an invoice from Royal Mail for £270.49! They had included the cost of a manager to discuss the issue with the driver amongst other things. (surely a manager doing his job is part of his already allocated salary and is not a cost incurred by Royal Mail??) Anyway we ignored the letter as we just cannot afford £270. We know we had admitted fault by offering to pay so we are liable but are we liable for so much? We have now received a 'final reminder' threatening court action if we don't pay in 21 days and us then being liable for court costs in addition to the original amount. My question is can they take us to court and would we be liable for court costs? My husband reckons they won't as it wouldn't be worth their while but I am not sure. I know we are in the wrong by not going through insurance and by offering money at the scene of the accident but I hope we have some rights in this! Thanks!
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