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Everything posted by Helpme11

  1. Went to the court today...was told to go to general enquiries and just hand in the paperwork we have ( the dvla proof and letter from employer to say he was at work) And that was it! Couldnt see anyone else was told the paperwork would go on the file. I asked what we could do about the bailiffs and we were told there was nothing the courts can do until the file is seen by a legal advisor which MIGHT be by the end of the week!! but just tell the bailiffs you have dropped a letter to the courts??? Phillips wont care if ive dropped a letter or not they will still carry on wont they??
  2. Have written to the MP and to the Judical complaints dept. So will see what reply we get. In the meantime I will have to wait until tuesday to see what Brent court have to say on the matter! Will update on tuesday..I just hope its all over then! Surely they cant refuse a letter from employer at the time he was at work! I kind of wish the police would take pictures of people they pull over for traffic offences just like traffic wardens have to for incorrectly parked vehicles.Or even better they should take fingerprints! That way there would be no mistakes!
  3. Think I might write to MP tmrw that way I could take a copy of letter to the court as well so they can see how serious we really are about this!
  4. Yes! Once its over we will be claiming whatever we can! Had to make so many phone calls as nobody at court answers the emails or letters!. Wasted petrol going down to the court and then being told only TODAY! that its not that court even though we spoke to severel people at the court and not once did they mention we should of gone somwhere else i even have copies of emails asking to be directed to the correct court but again no reply! When my hubby went to do the stat dec nobody told him he could ask for a duty solicitor etc( unfortunatly we were not aware of this as never been in this situation before) Its a complete mess! And he has hardly slept staying up to make phone calls at the times he should be sleeping as he works nights! Very stressed! Sorry for the rant
  5. This is all just so frustrating and stressfull! Arghh! We have found out the exact date and time of the offence now at last!..and surprise surprise he was at work! Employer is writing a letter to support this as well. Going down to the court tuesday as we only have until the 20th before bailiffs 28day thing is over!
  6. Been in contact with dvla who are sending an official letter confirming we have never had any link with this car! Its not and never has been registered in my hubbys name So will take that back to court next week and see what they say to that!
  7. Arghh! Need more help please . Been to the court and they refused the stat declaration! They said had 2yrs to sort this even though we have had no letters until the bailiff ones last month!.. Going to cab to see if they can help but any other advise would be appreciated..Please.
  8. Already try to do that but if it wasnt my car not sure how it would help as he was a named driver under my insurance so if the alleged vehicle was not my car ( which i beleive it wasnt) he would still be classed as guilty!
  9. Philips are saying all they have is the date..so got to find out from courts..all im thinking now is whatever car it is how can they prove who was driving it?? I mean he was at work and we can prove that but obviously if it wasnt within those times?.. I know I shouldnt worry because it wasnt him but how can we prove it wasnt? Its not as if the police from 2yrs ago will be asked to identify who they pulled over! Just dont want to be falsley accused.( never had anything like this before!)
  10. I know exactly what car we had and that hubby was at work. (but got no times of the offence yet)But never been stopped!.. The car we owned has never been seized etc. All we dont know is what time and what car.we only owned one car in 2009 registered to me and hubby was named driver on it. Dont even know how we would go about proving all this!
  11. No..no response from court going there tmrw to find out hopefully!..all we have is that it was 13th march 2009 driving without insurance. Hubbys first night of shift tmrw so just going to go to local court and hopefully find out.
  12. They sent me an email saying they visited 27th july. There was a screen shot attached of charges and it says attendance fee £200 21st july!.. Conflicting dates?
  13. Thanks ploddertom i kind of hope they turn up so i can get them done for trespassing! i have an email from there office saying they WONT be coming and case is on hold..as per the magistrates court.
  14. Hi Thank you everyone! got it pretty much sorted today! Got onto the courts and after it ringing for over 20mins! got through to someone unfortunatly because it was in hubbys name they could not give me details of times or vehicle etc but have put bailiffs on hold for 1 month! and will advise them to take no action! this gives us enough time to sort out stat declaration etc.. and hopefully try and prove it wasnt him. I emailed philipps to tell them under no circumstances are they to come to address unless advised to by the courts. They sent me an email about an hr ago saying they are aware case is on hold and will not be attending ( actually it was a very badly worded email like it was written in broken english) anyway so thanks everyone that pointed me in the right direction!..
  15. Also if that was the case the he would have had to show documents to the police?? this never happened! he has never been stopped or had to walk home for that matter as im pretty sure I would of remembered! been married 12yrs! And im also now thinking why the conflicting dates on the email .. they replied saying they visited on 27th July yet the attached paperwork shows "attendance charges" 21st July! another thing they probably wont give straight answer for! I just hope I get a response from the courts soon so he can prove his wherabouts on the day/time in question as he would most certainly would have been at work..and can be easily verified due to a clocking in system!
  16. Thank you so much! I am trying to contact the courts sent 2 emails and tried phone which constantly goes to pre recorded message or is engaged! :0 been trying all day! just worried about in the meantime..if they turn up!
  17. Car never been loaned to anyone.. we have only had it a 9 months as a temporary car im 100 % sure it is not related to this car. my previous car has been declared sorn since jan this year and has not been driven since october last year as it broke down and needs new engine. Im pretty certain for it to have got this far it must be a very old fine..? we have no idea which vehicle it is meant to be for..only in the last 2-3yrs my hubby has been on my insurance because previous to that he had a company van and its 100% not them either as it would of gone direct to the company first and we would have been told about it.
  18. I have emailed telling them they have the wrong person.. also wouldnt they need to know what reg my car is before they link it to anyone? or is it a case of they put in a name and know what car that person owns?
  19. Just had a reply from them! The attachment shows breakdown of charges debt: £610 admin fee:£75 vat £15 Attendance fee £200! plus £40 vat.. they have put attendance date down as 21st July.. yet on their email they apparantly visited on the 27th July! Hubby would of been up giving my daughter her breakfast they DID NOT attend either of those dates! What should I do? Thanks once again. Hello Please see attachment for your records, also be advised that that Bailiff Visited on July 27th at 9.02 For further queries please contact our office on 08448004588 Regards Philips
  20. So I am best parking it down the road? How does the anpr work? do they know already what car my hubby owns? or would they have to check reg numbers of cars nearby etc.. ? Sorry for all the questions but I really really appreciate it! my mind is alot calmer now! not easy with a hyper 3yr old added to the mix! I hope I can be of help to you all one day!.x thank you
  21. Also they cant just forceentry before trying to gain peacefull entry can they ? How would they force entry? would they just turn up and try and break in? when the whole bristow and suitor thing happened i didnt know any better and they said they are calling a locksmith and the police so i let them in..hence the levied goods!
  22. Thank you so much! is putting my mind at rest! so can they force entry as stated on their letter? .. Car is being used for part exchange but not until friday..so just hope they dont turn up inbetween that time! Thank you for the template letter i will send them that once I get another response from them as I have asked them for breakdown of charges and told them I am trying to contact the courts for information..
  23. Bristow and suitor have levied pretty much whatever they could.. even dvds and cds.. only thing they couldnt was the car we a currently driving as we didnt have it at the time. it worth around £200 if that! old r reg with a million dents! so should i tell philipps about bristow ? as they have nothing they can take?.. I will try and contact court again tmrw as they all closed now! but just worried about them turning up in morning!
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