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In focus

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Everything posted by In focus

  1. Hi thanks and sorry for the late reply. My original role ended on the 28th October and I took on the trial job last monday and I did recieve an assurance to the effect that rudundancy and noice payments would be honoured. I have been in the new role for the last week and I now know that this position is totaly unsuitable mainly due to the physical handling aspect. I now wish to leave this post immediately, is this possible without jepordising my payments?
  2. Hello My present position with the company has been made redundant but I have been offered a new role on a much reduced sallary. I am able to try out this role for a month to see if I can cope with it as it involves a lot of heavy lifting. If this role is not suitable I can leave and still get my redundancy and notice paymenst. I am still putting out applications for positons similar to my previous one and I have 2 interviews to attend this week. My question is, could anyone tell me what notice I would need to give whilst on the months trial peroid? I of course should have asked during the one to one meetings but it didn't occur to me to ask at the time as I had few responces to previous job applications .
  3. Sorry above comment I made is incorrect. Q&A sheet does not mention voluntary redundancy, it is "notice payment" and "payment equivalent to a redundancy payment" @postggj I suspect the number that will transfer from the entire operation will be only 2 or 3. Re travel and subsitance package, when we were informed about the tupe that was my first question and the answer was "no" @Sidewinder thanks for that, wasn't aware of the 4 week trial period. Cant find my newest contract, waiting for a copy. I would be very unhappy to transfer and then find myself out of a job with nothing if my original employer went belly up or ended the contract, I would rather not transfer and take the little amount they are offering if the new employer can say "Well as we no longer have your business it's bye bye".
  4. The consulatation process at present is me asking my line manager questions, he forwards them on and I wait for replies which I have had none yet. I have not yet asked the question in my OP, something I was discussing with my wife this evening and couldn't find the answer looking at various websites. If I do not wish to travel then there I am deemed to have accepted voluntary redundacy and severance pay but in my case it's not a lot.
  5. Nothing like that, only 4 of us involved at our location 20 odd around the country.
  6. Hi and thanks. We are being consulted at the moment as the transfer does not happen until the end of September. I asked the question and others but as yet have had no answers.
  7. Hi. I have been informed by my employer that they are to outsource the work that I and my collegues do to another company and that we are subject to TUPE. The trouble is that the this new company is located 140 miles away from my home so a daily commute is out of the question. For the timebeing I intend to find midweek accomodation as due to my age and the type of work that I do the chances of finding similar positions (or any work) in my area is remote, also we are on a much higher salary than the equivalent grade of existing staff at the new employer but have been told that we will remain on our existing terms and conditions. My present employer also appears to be in serious difficulties, this seems to me be a desparate measure to slash costs. My question is what would happen to me if my original employer went bust or they decided to terminate the outsourcing of the work? Thanks
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