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  1. I just wrote them to challenge the PCN by saying that when the contravention took place the sign was ambiguous, let's see what they respond.
  2. The only thing I noticed today after paying closer attention is that the PCN is talking about the contravention taking place on 28th July 2011 and the new 'For 150 yards' sign that they put last night or today is dated with AUG 2011.
  3. Thanks, I just created another topic in this URL. Thanks for any advice... I can't paste links, search for "PCN for u-turn with '150 yards' plate (now signage have been corrected)"
  4. Hi guys, A couple of questions to see your view about a PCN I received for a u-turn in Wood Lane (between A40 and Du Cane Rd). Basically, I checked the u-turn signage yesterday Monday at 17.30 and it had a plate underneath with just the following wording "150 yards". I checked the end of the u-turn signage as well and they didn't have a plate with the word "End". I went back today for taking some pictures at 13.00, as I thought after reading another post here that the plate indicating the distance should add the word 'For' to avoid mistakes, ie, it should say 'For 150 yards', and to my surprise, it seems the Council has changed all the signages in the last day!!! ie, now the signs say 'For 150 yards', the ones at the end include now the word 'End' as well and I'm pretty sure they've put even a new 'No u-turn' sign in the middle that was not there yesterday (although not 100% sure about this one). Questions are: 1.- Do I have any chance to have the PCN cancelled if I appeal now that they've updated the signs and I don't have a photograpic proof? My ground to appeal would be that I understood that the u-turn would be forbidden IN 150 yards, as they just had a plate with that number. 2.- Can I somehow get information or a report (date/time) about when the signs were changed by the Hammersmith & Fulham council? As it seems to me that they made a mistake and send me a PCN when they had the wrong signage in place? Thanks in advance for any advice...
  5. Hi Jenny, I know this happened over 1y ago but could you please let us know what happened at the end? I've got a really similar PCN and wondering what happened for you in the arbitration...
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