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Everything posted by kgg01

  1. sam u should read my thread that i started.....it was much more then yours trust me, and this was just 2 weeks ago http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?315194-6-payday-loans-1-everyday-loan&p=3513533#post3513533 I joined up with payplan at the end of the day as they sent me letters e.t.c. all ready to send to everyone. I sent it to them and they are no slowly agreeing, i get so many phone calls and emails that ive got use 2 it. I cdnt sleep for a couple of days but after talking 2 payplan feel a bit better. I no i still have to pay back but what i can afford. I live with my parents to so understand ur situation. Do try and save every penny to pay them back asap but there is options there. Try talking to CCCA or payplan to see what advice they can offer. Go down the the CAB to see how they can help also. Talking to people will make you feel better, there are other people in ur situation (ME! for one) and trust me you will get through it, everytime i get a letter i call payplan up and they talk me through it. I think you need someone like that, dont deal with them on the phone i reackon. The phone calls have nearly stopped for me, they still call but only maybe once or twice a day, pick up if u can, if u cant forget it. But i would advise to tell them to send you everything in writing. It will slowly stop it. Call CCCA or Payplan see how they can help, they will help u find a alternative trust me. Keep a record of how much u have taken from the, how much interest it is, how much they have taken from you. Cancel your bank account a open up another one (halifax easycash). I think u need what i needed, someone to help me better understand the situation iam in. Again dont worry about it but keep it on ur mind.
  2. they cant do much too you, they will talk to talk but wont walk. just tell them that you are recording all the conversations when you want to talk to them, if you dont want to talk to them put the pick the phone up and tell them the phone calls be recoreded then tell them that you will only communcate in writing. They will have to send you letters. If it does go to court (which it wont for 300 quid) make sure you have a paper trail. Record converstaions on ur phone to cover ur own back, the user above is right, they can only take the amount + 1 mths interst. They will still phone u but tell them how many times they have called u after telling them not 2 call u and 2 write 2 u. Dont let them speak. keep it short and simple on the phone, "This phone calls been recoreded, I will communcate in writing so please send it to me in writing" then hang up. The worst that will happen is make it go 2 a debt collecting company who will talk to u about whats happening, after that they will only take how much you can afford off you (£50 a mth would be good), dont be worried to much about it but keep it on ur mind.
  3. are the phone calls going to still come once then know that i will be paying a set amount to them every month? they said they want to make sure they can see my case properly, that want to make sure they stand in the right place, they said if i was to do it via a DMP they would ask to show these things too. Maybe becasue i broke down on the phone i sort of misplaced my head.......she sounded as if she was understanding me.......my parents........i cant tell them at all, i really cant, if i could i would of had a long time ago, i have to keep it quite from them, currently i have told them that these people calling are calling to take a survey from me and that i would get paid a couple of pence to take the phone call. My dad stay at home all day therefore he picks up the calls, he dont understand much english either......... Are they still gonna keep calling me once i show them my plan? Do you recommend i dont give this information to them? What information should i provide them if they ask? Telling my parents is out of the questions, i will have to stick to that, i just cant tell them.
  4. Hi everyone, i have took the time out and alot of reading in fourms to write letters to everyone, wonga got back to me today and said they would lower interest as long as they can see how much rent/council tax iam paying and also my wages for the last 3 mths, they also want to see my bank statement and want to know how much in debt i am. They said they can see how i have been using wonga every month and advised to carm down with lending money and not to lend any more money, they said keep up with the repayments and they will charge little interest. They will freeze it for 6 mths, they said they might review the posting after 6 mths. I did break down on the phone, the women was very helpfull. I am still getting phone calls left right and center. They have a telephone number for my previous job, God nos how many times they must have called there. I get between 30-40 calls a day, more the calls are from companies offering me a DMP. I have sent the letters via email and post so they cant compain about me not sending them anything. Will let you lot know once i hear back from anyone else. Thank you everyone for your support! I am not going to lie, after reading some of the posts i can sleep a little better at night. Thank you all for your advice and contribution to the form, if i have a couple of quid around i will donate as i feel its inportant. a quid or two of a nights sleep differently worth it : )
  5. hi ukavaition, i will start work on it tomorrow, going to start sending out letters that i saw and see what replys i get, i no minicredit is going to be hard to deal with but ill have to let you know soon
  6. hey unioncitygirl....u maybe right, as i said iam with payday loans, from what i understood from the women i talk to is that payday loans done contribute to them therefore there maybe a charge but if u have problems with your bank or anyone else on their contribution list its free, but again now sure and would need 2 be confirmed.
  7. talking to payplan this afternoon they told me then can help me with advice but not manage it for me, they said i can call them for advice every step of the way but nothing more, a user also put a link up for a website which can help. Payplan do take money off you if you get into a plan, they said that to me over the phone, i asked if i can pay them to get it sorted but they said no, mainly becasue they dont work with payday loans in that way. cccs is the only option, they are a charity and they get helps from banks too. Bank maybe easier to deal with then these payday loan companies, thanks gabi for all the support, really making me feel better and might be able to sleep better knowing that there are other people out there, i did search the fourms which gave me a good insight in2 things, i still think its going to be a hassell but something i will have to go through, pray to God cccs could help me better then payplan did.
  8. thanks gabi, i will give cccs a call tomorrow morning to see what they can do for me as payplan cant do nothing, gabi did it get hard for u? like creditors just adding interest all the time e.t.c? as i dont have any other options i guess a DMP is the only way. Have they stopped contacting u by phone and letters?
  9. mate iam for real.....u just dont no whats going through my head right now, i aint taking the mick, let me pour my heart out alittle bit, My dad dont work, his obest and have various medical conditions, he stopped working at 50, his 59, my mum kept the family going while i was at uni, in my second year at uni she was made redeundent, i let uni 2 help her, help the family. I didnt know which way to go and took any job coming my way as it was hard times for jobs 3 years ago, after everything i got some money coming in working hard everyday and putting in how much ever overtime i can to get some money and give it to my parents so the whole family can survive, my dad gets ESA which was crap, anyone on esa will tell u the same. my mum was on job seekers for a while but for the last year she found a part time job earning £500 a mth. the whole family was looking up2 me 2 get some money in the house to carry on living, the goverment didnt care about my family becasue i was bring £1300 every mth therefore having to pay full council tax and rent to the council, all other bills food, electricty e.t.c. when i started my job after leaving university i was working as a field service enginner, I had to work around central london as no one else was willing to do this, if anyone else nos how hard it is 2 work around central london as field server they would understand me. I had to claim back expenses from the company and were not always on time. There were points when i could not pay for parking around central to go do a job which could take me 2 hours, i would have to pay around 8-10£ for this, i needed money fast and payday loans were the ONLY option available to me. I had gone to the bank and refused a loan as i didnt have credit cards or overdrafts before as i saw it as a fools game. at 23 i got my first credit card (aqua) to try and rebuilt my credit 2 be able to get these loans but even if i stay up2date with repayments theres no improvement on my credit rating. Now you say i dont have anyone else to blaim for this but me......alright i get that if i think about it hard enough but at the same time i dont no how i would have kept my family going and my job. i read alot about payday loans before i took one out and knew what i was going to be getting myself into but i didnt think it would be this bad!. Why am i asking if i would be able to take another loan out to pay off all of these loans................i got a new job 2 weeks ago, working in technical support, i use the train everday which cost me 20£ a week for travel. I would get paid ontime every mth and its a OK income (1400£). so mate when i tell you belive me i am not taking the mick. i have got to a space were there is nowhere to turn, i thought i could come here and someone somewhere would have went through a similar time that i am going through currently.. i do not want my parents to find out about this which is the main reason of me asking if there is ANY way i can get this cleared, even if that means getting into more debt, but debt i can handle on a mthly bases is what i am looking for. My dad would end up having a heart attack if a person comes knocking on my door asking for me, or taking stuff out of my house and there would be no way i would be able to show my face to my family. i dont even think we have £6000 worth of goods in the house even if including the car....... i tried to explain myself the best way i can 2 for you to understand what i am going through right now, i cant tell anybody, not my parents, family, friends. i need to pour myself out on a fourm of all places in the world.......how do u think i feel currently? please dont be that aggresive next time with me conniff, and maybe u were been aggresive becasue u dont no my situation, hopefully given u a chance 2 understand and also let u no that i understand i got myself in2 this, but at the same time i dont know how else i would have done it if i had a chance 2 do everything again...
  10. i cant move out as indian families like to stay together + my dad and mum need help, they dont work and they relay on me, u have 3k debt u said, what should be my next move? keep everything to email ok but how should i pay them?
  11. right iam more confused then i started off with.....i thought payplan were able to help you for free, they are on the direct gov website......i dont mind paying a fee as long as they get everyone off my back and make it a monthly payment i can afford.....anyone with any options? they also told me to try cccs, are they any good, i need someone that will look after everything and let me know of any problems that may occur........again does anyone know were i can get a loan from except of everyday loan? i dont have a credit history and i reckon now i have a bad one.
  12. i just got off the phone to payplan......they said that they will send me letters and i will have to manage it myself.....i dont no what to think of that, i asked for examples of people in my kind of a situation and not much was given to me but them saying that they have a high success rate for issues like this......has anyone been in this kind of a situation? can anyone give me an example of what they were going through?
  13. Hi sillygirl1, i read a forum u opened and thank you for replying to me. The thing is i owe so much money that i cant really afford to pay them all within 6 mths, as i said i got 7 active loans, i just got a email from everyday loans to get in touch with them. i am waiting for payplan to give me a call now as i dont have any money this month and my mobile has been disconnected for not paying the bills. It might be able to pay all the payday loans companies back within a year or even earliler but i am not sure about EDL....anyone else have experiance with everyday loans company?
  14. thanks for everyones advice! i have called payplan and going to see what they say this lunch time, at work but still very worried about what is going to happen. I will keep everyone viewing posted and will need help again therefore would love more contribution Thanks to everyone, u lot are stars*
  15. Hi there everyone thanks for posting!!! I am 24 years old, i can afford £300 no problem a mth but worried what these companies will do. has anyone had a run in with Everyday loans? would payplan be able to help me out by talking to my creditors? should i contact them by email or should i wait for them to contact me? i am not picking up phone calls currently thou. breakdown of how much i borrowed from each one: - - wonga - 900 - mini credit - 600 - leanding stream - 400 - txtloan - 350 -payday uk - 500 -wage day advance - 360 - everyday loan - 3000 i pay rent of £400 a mth and give the rest to my parents who use it how they see fit for food and council tax, bills e.t.c but i would end up keeping 300 quid for myself out of this somehow without them asking 2 many questions.....would any one advise on getting another loan 2 pay off all of these, i fell in2 this trap as my last job made me take out alot of last min cash from these companies as i needed to pay for my parking around central london and claim back on a different day, but ended up pay alot in interest. i got a new job as of 3 weeks ago which is a desk job, does not involve anything like that from my side and just consist of working and paying £15 for travel a week. Is payplan a good idea or would it be best to go at it alone? Are you sure the DCA will only charge me the orginal amount plus 1 mths interet?
  16. thank you conniff i am unable to talk to anyone about this and its hurting me.....just getting a reply has helped me out a bit from the inside....i am unable to tell me parents and just feel like i am getting nowhere.....any more help from anyone would be appriciated. i want to just pay 300 a month and if i do get the overtime i would like to give it in as extra to help me clear it faster, i will not be keeping to it every month bur just adding extra cash on from time 2 time
  17. people are viewing but no ones replying....pls help i beg u.....
  18. I really need help I have to give around £6000 to the 7 loan companies. they are: - - wonga - mini credit - leanding stream - txtloan -payday uk -wage day advance - everyday loan I want to start up with payplan but i am sooo scared currently, i live with my parents and work full time, i dont want 2 let me parents know about this and want 2 get it sorted ASAP. I am willing to pay £300 a mth and more if i can pull in the over time and any extra work i can get. I cant sleep at night, i can eat properly, sit in my room crying more then time. I will call payplan tomorrow to see what can happen but has anyone gone through this before? I dont know if all them companies will agree to my DMP. Please help me with this, does anyone know of any debt consildation loans i can take out to help me out with this? as i said i dont mind paying £300 a mth if i can get everyone off my back and then just deal with one company. I dont care much about the interest i will have to pay either with that 1 debt consildation company as long as i cant get the payday loans off me and also everyday loans. Please help, iam going to be sitting on this fourm waiting for someone to answer.....i have problems and i really need help, theres no much google can help me with but them stupid advert but i saw this fourm and see people are getting help, but i need help all the way, i need people who have had problems with the above payday loan companies and everyday loans....Please help.........
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