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  1. Although i dont know what TOC this occurred on i can only assume that they use IRCAS regarding PFN & UFN's which would mean that all the clerical work would be done out of house and the company would not have any actual knowledge of the dealings to feel the need to check up on one customers life story.
  2. I am by no means an expert but is 18(2) Failure to produce a ticket on demand? And if she had produced a invalid ticket would that not make it a it a tad bit difficult to prosecute, are you sure it wasnt a 18(1)?
  3. Well for starters i believe that trying to request for CCTV of you purchasing a ticket may not actually be worth the hassle, after all no sound is recorded so it would not be clear as to what you actually asked for and you could have perhaps purchased a ticket on behalf of someone who does have a senior railcard. I would advise maybe contacting the TOC to see if they can offer some incite to your situation, i've had no dealings with TIL so don't know how it all works so i cant actually offer any more advice
  4. Chances are it wont help them as i think it was an oversight and guess they know. And whith that post i dont know how much you know about the Oystercard and the way it works..... But basically you can load pre-paid credit or a travel card(t/c) and the original post refers to having a zones 1-2 t/c embedded onto the card and made the suggestion that because they had not touched in (validated) at the origin journey was the reason for them being stopped. However in a later posted they refereed to having a negative balance which could have meant that they had traveled outside of zone 2. A negative balance would effectively render the t/c invalid until such time as the balance had been paid. Again i know that the regs will be aware of this but just may have missed this but i hope this gives you a better understanding honeybee.
  5. Yeah i know its a tiny bit late but i thought it had to be said as i felt that was the main part of it which everyone mised and may help with anyone finding themselves in that position
  6. I know the matter of the OP has been sorted with the toc but one point that you all missed was the mention of the negative balance which would effectively render the t/c invalid until such time as a top-up was made. so one can only assume that was the key factor for it. Im sure had you noticed that you would have of course known but i couldn't leave it unsaid
  7. Hi i'm new here but know a little bit about ticket related issues. I would first like to ask about the oyster wallet you refer to. Does your statement refer to both cards being placed in the same black wallet or two identical ones with one card placed in each? The reason i ask is that if you have both in the same container this would usually not allow a valid entry as both would conflict. Also your original post refers to you becoming aware of your fault at what i assume was your start station therefore not having made a journey? You said that there was not a ticket office in operation however you were aware that you had not touched in your card so why did you not then go back to the barrier line or stand alone validators and touch your (correct) oystercard to ensure that you would not be traveling with out a valid ticket? And finally why did you not approach a member of staff when you arrived at your final destination to explain rather then touching out using again your mother freedom pass (FP)? Now for the blunt part in my opinion i would make every effort to try and settle with Tfl as if they were to proceed with legal action i believe they could prove intent in your actions with the situation you have presented (even pleading not guilty intent CAN be proven or attempted to) by knowingly travelling from A to B with a invalid ticket also could be concidered intent by attemping to present the FP on the barriers! Hope that helps, sorry if its babbling
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