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Everything posted by Im4it

  1. This company are a nuisance, I have sent them a letter today using template from UK 26 and further additions of my own!I got referred to them for not paying ebay because someone scammed me out of a laptop they refunded them and then came after me for the debt. I got debt and a missing laptop. Then I try and sort it out with eBay is like trying to knit fog! Totally incompetent and very unprofessional indeed, yet i have emails stating it's paid and allsorts! these C u next tusdays have been ringing all weekend! I reckon they don't have a leg to stand on with what they are doing. If the government have appointed them for work, then this country is in a far worse state than I thought. A good way to revenge them is this, first when they ring say 'i'll just get a pen', then put the phone down walk off and then start whistling in the background, making coffee, go to the loo etc etc as this is what they did to my phone! Then get all the forum people on here to FAX their offices all at a set time and date and block their systems! ha ha ha in the meantime,I'm sending my report to the OFT and the newspapers to try and make there business fail because they are a bunch of arrogant, unprofessional idiots! Ebay are as much to blame for this, as ebay is now full of [problematic] and dodgy folk buying stuff reporting it not delivered and us ending up out of pocket because ebay refund them directly and come after you for the money! Ebay absolutely is the worst internet entity out theere right now with no customer service and it favouring the [problematic]. The [problematic] know it and as a result decent folk are being penalised! This company appointed by them is totally the **** of the earth and no doubt it would be good to find Mr Calvert's home phone number and then subject him to the arrogant twatish behaviour his staff dish out!
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